It's a big difference if I volunteered information about my whereabouts, or whether they provide at my provider "recorded" uncontrolled will. If I use a service like foursquare , I am solely responsible.
in contrast to data retention: Malte Spitz , member of the National Executive Board of the Green Party shows the terrifying dimensions of the "official" data storage mania.
The mass of data, 35,000 records of my life have I been startled. Although viewing angle and spatial data are not my area of expertise, I could with the support of others, first small evaluations and make the findings are in the data.from this huge Excel table can design a course of life. The time has prepared this data graphically and also writes
It was clear that the theoretical threat of such a mass storage, will finally be within reach. So I've decided to publish the data in order to explain to data storage to make your life transparent and engage massively in your privacy, and serve all citizens.
The profile revealed when Malte Spitz running through the streets when he takes the train when it flies. It shows in each city and location where he is. It shows the times at which it operates and to which he sleeps when he can be best achieved when or rather not. It shows when he calls and when he would rather prefer a text message sent and it shows in the beer garden which he likes to sit. It shows a life.[via Internet Law ]
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