Friday, February 18, 2011

Krusteaz Crepe Batter

storage and data hungry

200 gigabytes successfully secured . That was yesterday my success message for successful data backup. Despite well-known sayings like " backup? Did not I necessary , "was once again an appropriate action necessary to preserve the data of previous years and once again ask the question, what you have there actually collected in the years to bits. No idea! But surely you would a file just then need if they are finally extinguished, the phenomenon is well known in other areas of everyday life A file folder is transferred to the waste paper and the next day be used exactly these documents at least, the photos I could after that backup drive structure something...: With the Google program Picasa the imagery was processed relatively quickly. Even the test with the (new) face recognition the program was a success - albeit a bit frightening to observe how the software identifies friends and family with an astonishingly high success rate.

The review of the past decades can also think of the first storage media. How happy I was when I finally had to floppy disks (5.25''of course) my first hard disk. The above-illustrated external hard drive (with its own power supply) had the incredible storage capacity of 20 MB! Yes, dear children, so that we could have played just 15 MP3 songs. I never got it fully. At that time, was expected even in KBs.

of the space in recent years exploded is not a secret. Customers 1and1 away at an online storage of 1000 GB and even the free service dropbox have 2 GB.

researchers at the University of Southern California have added up the total storage capacity worldwide. Your estimate amounts to 295 exabytes. Included were all media, from USB drives and CDs on credit cards, video cassettes and printed books to the Babylonian clay tablet. Quick thought: 1000 GB account for a 1 terabyte, which is already moved into the realm of possibility for the individual computer user. 1000 TB will be a thousand to one petabyte and finally become a more PB EB - an Exabyte. Or - for the mathematicians - an exabyte is 10 18 bytes or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes . I counted the zeros.

All is read in the University of Southern California. But you have to take a restriction: The scientists also place a further point of comparison before - the amount of memory that contains the DNA of all people put together. This stored genetic material is still a hundred times as great as the sum of all man-made memory means.

Here's a video from How much information can store the world communicate, and compute? with the scientist Martin Hilbert:

How much information can store the world communicate, and compute? from SCVideos on Vimeo .


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