Preview of the Veilchendienstagszug
The highlight of the carnival will be Moenchengladbach in this year of Veilchendienstagszug. Whenever the carnival crowds in the surrounding communities, has already been laid, it's happening again right in Moenchengladbach. On 8 March at 13:11 will start this year, the Veilchendienstagszug and attracts revelers from near and far into the city Vitus. With five kilometers in length, about 4000 Zugteilnehmern, 68 floats, 41 baggage cars, 62 Fußgruppen, 28 dance and funk Garden, four groups of riders and four coaches and 32 bands that will bring the revelers in the mood, is the "VDZ" one of the largest parades in the Federal Republic.
prisac has this important cultural Already been pre-processed event. In this video, the topics the Mönchengladbach shown concern from another perspective:
Those seeking more information on this year's carnival, which takes place at the Rheinische Post a page , the Mönchengladbach Carnival Association is here accessible and the Course of the finds - also by prisac - in a rush here.
The theme this year (in High German!) Just does not spray with creativity and ingenuity. Hopefully the train will be better. Photos from the site Aretz cookies are made.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Im Looking For Community Service
Biography of the naturalist Johann Jakob Kaup available at Libri
Munich / Wiesbaden / Hamburg (internet newspaper) - A Pocket Guide "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "is now available in book wholesalers" Libri "available. This title can be found at the address the web. Author of the 254-page paperback is the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst. His work appeared in "GRIN for academic texts" (Munich) as a printed paperback and e-book in PDF format.
In "Libri" can purchase booksellers and private customers readable books and paperbacks. The paperback, "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "will be available after a certain time in more than 1,000 online bookstores. Of course you can order it in any good bookstore.
contents of the pocket book "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt
One of the greats in the world of zoology and paleontology was still young in the 19 Century was the Darmstadt naturalist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873). And even though he had studied only two semesters and actually almost a self-taught, was therefore one who acquired his knowledge through self education. For most of his life, namely from 1828 to 1873, he worked on "Natural History Cabinet" of the "Grand Ducal Museum in Darmstadt, a predecessor of today's" Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Kaup examined several of today's insects, fish and birds and extinct animals, described scientifically in first and gave them a name that is often true today. He acquired special merits for the study of animal life at great-Rheinhessen Rhine in the Upper Miocene, about ten million years ago. From his research industry witness more than 150 publications, including extensive Monographs and works on zoological nomenclature. His close contacts with many famous naturalists of his time mainly from Europe and America, and his numerous trips abroad he used to enrich the collections in Darmstadt by exchange and purchase. This reached the Grand Duke's "Natural History Cabinet" soon international level. His varied life in a paperback entitled "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst described. Among its specialties include popular science topics in paleontology and archeology as well as biographies of famous people. The paperback of John Jacob Kaup is the "Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt", the "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim and the "Natural History Museum in Mainz dedicated. These three museums have supported the author on numerous book projects.
* The author Ernst Probst
The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.
Paleontology: Germany in the primitive times, records of prehistory (1992), Records of ancient times. Landscapes, plants and animals (2008), Dinosaur in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf), Archaeopteryx. The Icon in Bavaria, Germany in dinosaurs. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010), Dinosaur in Baden-Württemberg, dinosaurs in Lower Saxony, dinosaurs from A to K, dinosaurs from M to Z, predatory dinosaurs from A to Z, Germany during the ice age, the great-Rhine, as Mainz not yet on the Rhine, was the Rhein-elephant, claws animals at Ur-Rhine, the great apes at Ur-Rhine, saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine, cave lions, cave lion, the Mosbacher lion, saber-toothed cats, cave bear, Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt
Archaeology: Germany in the stone age, records of early man, Germany in the Bronze Age, the Bronze Age, The Unetice Culture, The Straubinger Culture, The Eagle Mountain Group, The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg group in the Bronze Age, The Stade Group Bronze Age The Nordic Bronze Age, the urnfield culture, the Lusatian culture
cryptozoology: ape-man, The Unicorn, The Dragon, Nessie. The monster book, monsters on the trail, giants, sea monsters
Bios: 14 paperbacks on Super Women (super super women women 1 to 14), Chris-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria, three queens of the skies in Bavaria (Together with Josef Eimannsberger), women in space, queens of the skies, queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronaut, queens of the skies in Germany, queens of the skies in France, Queen of the Skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria, queen of dance, super women from the Wild West, Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald, My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and others Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst), Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Hildegard of Bingen. The German prophetess, Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes, about 70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut
aphorisms: The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football, words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (both together with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z
Most of these items are published by GRIN for academic texts and through more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore.
GRIN, with offices in Munich, has specialized since its foundation in 1998 to the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is to present to students, lecturers and other academics the ideal platform for their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.

Munich / Wiesbaden / Hamburg (internet newspaper) - A Pocket Guide "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "is now available in book wholesalers" Libri "available. This title can be found at the address the web. Author of the 254-page paperback is the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst. His work appeared in "GRIN for academic texts" (Munich) as a printed paperback and e-book in PDF format.
In "Libri" can purchase booksellers and private customers readable books and paperbacks. The paperback, "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "will be available after a certain time in more than 1,000 online bookstores. Of course you can order it in any good bookstore.
contents of the pocket book "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt
One of the greats in the world of zoology and paleontology was still young in the 19 Century was the Darmstadt naturalist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873). And even though he had studied only two semesters and actually almost a self-taught, was therefore one who acquired his knowledge through self education. For most of his life, namely from 1828 to 1873, he worked on "Natural History Cabinet" of the "Grand Ducal Museum in Darmstadt, a predecessor of today's" Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Kaup examined several of today's insects, fish and birds and extinct animals, described scientifically in first and gave them a name that is often true today. He acquired special merits for the study of animal life at great-Rheinhessen Rhine in the Upper Miocene, about ten million years ago. From his research industry witness more than 150 publications, including extensive Monographs and works on zoological nomenclature. His close contacts with many famous naturalists of his time mainly from Europe and America, and his numerous trips abroad he used to enrich the collections in Darmstadt by exchange and purchase. This reached the Grand Duke's "Natural History Cabinet" soon international level. His varied life in a paperback entitled "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst described. Among its specialties include popular science topics in paleontology and archeology as well as biographies of famous people. The paperback of John Jacob Kaup is the "Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt", the "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim and the "Natural History Museum in Mainz dedicated. These three museums have supported the author on numerous book projects.
* The author Ernst Probst
The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.
Paleontology: Germany in the primitive times, records of prehistory (1992), Records of ancient times. Landscapes, plants and animals (2008), Dinosaur in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf), Archaeopteryx. The Icon in Bavaria, Germany in dinosaurs. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010), Dinosaur in Baden-Württemberg, dinosaurs in Lower Saxony, dinosaurs from A to K, dinosaurs from M to Z, predatory dinosaurs from A to Z, Germany during the ice age, the great-Rhine, as Mainz not yet on the Rhine, was the Rhein-elephant, claws animals at Ur-Rhine, the great apes at Ur-Rhine, saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine, cave lions, cave lion, the Mosbacher lion, saber-toothed cats, cave bear, Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt
Archaeology: Germany in the stone age, records of early man, Germany in the Bronze Age, the Bronze Age, The Unetice Culture, The Straubinger Culture, The Eagle Mountain Group, The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg group in the Bronze Age, The Stade Group Bronze Age The Nordic Bronze Age, the urnfield culture, the Lusatian culture
cryptozoology: ape-man, The Unicorn, The Dragon, Nessie. The monster book, monsters on the trail, giants, sea monsters
Bios: 14 paperbacks on Super Women (super super women women 1 to 14), Chris-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria, three queens of the skies in Bavaria (Together with Josef Eimannsberger), women in space, queens of the skies, queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronaut, queens of the skies in Germany, queens of the skies in France, Queen of the Skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria, queen of dance, super women from the Wild West, Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald, My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and others Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst), Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Hildegard of Bingen. The German prophetess, Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes, about 70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut
aphorisms: The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football, words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (both together with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z
Most of these items are published by GRIN for academic texts and through more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore.
GRIN, with offices in Munich, has specialized since its foundation in 1998 to the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is to present to students, lecturers and other academics the ideal platform for their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Who Is The Best? Brent Corrigan Or Brent Everett
Watchable channel of the poet Sylvia Amstadt
Mellrichstadt (TV-in-internet) - The "Channel autorinamstadt" is the poet Sylvia Amstadt from Mellrichstadt in Bavaria on the video sharing "YouTube" represented. The reading, hearing and must-see video of the young poet is at the address found on the Internet. know more about Sylvia Amstadt and their works will, which is their website highly recommended.
And that says Sylvia Amstadt about:
I am writer with heart and mind. I write poetry and lyrics. My main issues here are our society and current events. My first book
Capital Wor (l) ds: Society appeared limited hope
in August 2009 when novelty per publisher.
ISBN: 978-3-85022-869-5
order at Amazon: C3% A4nkter-Hoffnung/dp/385022869X/ref = sr_1_1 ? ie = UTF8 & s = books & qid = 1298317505 & sr = 8-1
In the "Favorites" in my videos you'll find the music that accompanies me while writing ...
I wish you much fun on my channel!
My Website:
Mellrichstadt (TV-in-internet) - The "Channel autorinamstadt" is the poet Sylvia Amstadt from Mellrichstadt in Bavaria on the video sharing "YouTube" represented. The reading, hearing and must-see video of the young poet is at the address found on the Internet. know more about Sylvia Amstadt and their works will, which is their website highly recommended.
And that says Sylvia Amstadt about:
I am writer with heart and mind. I write poetry and lyrics. My main issues here are our society and current events. My first book
Capital Wor (l) ds: Society appeared limited hope
in August 2009 when novelty per publisher.
ISBN: 978-3-85022-869-5
order at Amazon: C3% A4nkter-Hoffnung/dp/385022869X/ref = sr_1_1 ? ie = UTF8 & s = books & qid = 1298317505 & sr = 8-1
In the "Favorites" in my videos you'll find the music that accompanies me while writing ...
I wish you much fun on my channel!
My Website:
Mount Blade Native Seri Numarası
Regensburg will Germany's new star on the "science sky" are
The Eastern Bavaria Regensburg will next year as Germany's "City of Science" a strong bridge build between the elite research and the citizens of the city. Regensburg pays a good chance to compete for the coveted title, the decision is made on 28 March.
Regensburg (obx - internet-newspaper) - Regensburg has already beaten many bridges was built over 850 years there with the Stone Bridge, the first permanent crossing of the Danube in central Europe. In the Middle Ages brought together Regensburg traders and merchants from all over Europe at the northernmost point of the Danube, and during the Perpetual Imperial Diet, which met from 1163 1806 in Regensburg, the city was one of the most important political centers of Europe. Regensburg's old city today combines great history of 2,000 Years and living presence. And since the fall of the Iron Curtain in Regensburg have his old bridge zurückerkämpft as mediator between Eastern and Western Europe, as a gateway between industry and science in the new EU countries.
wants next year, the East Bavarian city on the Danube hit another bridge: a living bond between science and citizens to education, teaching, research and development have made in the city first hand experience. With a concept that integrates the population in the major research questions of our time, will Regensburg on 28 March, the judges in the competition for the "City of Science 2012" convincing.
"The Chances are, "said Lord Mayor of Regensburg. Regensburg has made headlines in recent years, especially with innovative projects at the interface between applied research and industry. In Biopark began exactly ten years, funded by city, state and private investors start for young companies working in biotechnology and related fields and often cooperate closely with the University of Regensburg. Meanwhile, the world leader for Gene "From the Tube" and a leading manufacturer of novel anticancer drugs at home there. As "Memory of creativity" combines a former warehouse on the banks of the Danube IT start-ups with IT departments at the university and college.
In future, the science Regensburg to grow. Steps should study mathematics, science and engineering courses at the University and the University of Applied Sciences will be further expanded. On a military site also resolved a technology park is planned.
bridges are ubiquitous in Regensburg: The University of Regensburg in a stylized bridge with their seals and counts them in their self-image. With around 26,500 students Regensburg is one of the great university cities of southern Germany. The University has since its inception developed 50 years ago not even the tip of Germany's young academics. In all Bavarian universities last no university has grown faster than Regensburg. In the current academic semester reports the training ground, even a new student record and a total of about five percent more students. This is in addition to the Regensburg future technologies - such as biotechnology, sensor technology, or IT - especially to its role as southern Germany's most important pillars of "academic bridge" to the new EU member states in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Since the political changes in Eastern Europe were made with Europaeum, the East-West Studies, the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe or the Bohemicum numerous nationally unique facilities that young people from Germany, Western and Eastern Europe closer together. Once again, Regensburg
throws his trump card as a "bridge city" now with the title battle for Germany's "Science City" in 2012 in the balance. "Regensburg is expected to more than become a city of knowledge and innovation to date, a bridge between developers and businesses, a center for ideas and products to conquer the world," says Regensburg Mayor Hans Schaidinger, of the final judges the application concept imagine the end of March in Mainz.
Regensburg, where once the astronomer Johannes Kepler and the polymath Albertus Magnus researched wants to compete in the Donors' Association for German Science his rank as a high growth location with promising opportunities to strengthen further. Together, the founders developed a bold vision: In twenty years will be a city of Regensburg teaching with development centers, think tanks and strategic planning departments, a city of inventors and decision makers, a city of knowledge and a city of exchange.
On their way to the title will top the East Bavarian town with many activities, events and initiatives, the competitors in Halle an der Saale, Sachsen-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein in Lübeck. Plans include a year-round science quiz and a summer theme week, which the inhabitants of the city and the region is close to bringing the sciences and their connection to the economy. to be created the post of a new urban science coordinator. In addition, a scientific dialogue, a lecture series under the working title "Science for All" and a new science prize are planned to be named after Johannes Kepler. The continuation of the "children's university", which already regularly thrilled the offspring of the research is on the program.
A jury of the Donors' Association for German Science is on 29. March in Mainz announce the winners of the city known. The leaders in the city on the Danube are convinced that Regensburg has the best chance to Bremen / Bremerhaven, Dresden, Braunschweig, Jena, Oldenburg, Germany and Mainz seventh "city of science" to be.
What is obx-news?
obx-news is a non-profit Press Service and is produced by news work, Eastern Bavaria's largest news agency. The reproduction of text and photos for free editorial for sending a specimen copy. The text reports and photos in print quality by obx-news can be obtained by downloading via the password-protected website
The Eastern Bavaria Regensburg will next year as Germany's "City of Science" a strong bridge build between the elite research and the citizens of the city. Regensburg pays a good chance to compete for the coveted title, the decision is made on 28 March.
Regensburg (obx - internet-newspaper) - Regensburg has already beaten many bridges was built over 850 years there with the Stone Bridge, the first permanent crossing of the Danube in central Europe. In the Middle Ages brought together Regensburg traders and merchants from all over Europe at the northernmost point of the Danube, and during the Perpetual Imperial Diet, which met from 1163 1806 in Regensburg, the city was one of the most important political centers of Europe. Regensburg's old city today combines great history of 2,000 Years and living presence. And since the fall of the Iron Curtain in Regensburg have his old bridge zurückerkämpft as mediator between Eastern and Western Europe, as a gateway between industry and science in the new EU countries.
wants next year, the East Bavarian city on the Danube hit another bridge: a living bond between science and citizens to education, teaching, research and development have made in the city first hand experience. With a concept that integrates the population in the major research questions of our time, will Regensburg on 28 March, the judges in the competition for the "City of Science 2012" convincing.
"The Chances are, "said Lord Mayor of Regensburg. Regensburg has made headlines in recent years, especially with innovative projects at the interface between applied research and industry. In Biopark began exactly ten years, funded by city, state and private investors start for young companies working in biotechnology and related fields and often cooperate closely with the University of Regensburg. Meanwhile, the world leader for Gene "From the Tube" and a leading manufacturer of novel anticancer drugs at home there. As "Memory of creativity" combines a former warehouse on the banks of the Danube IT start-ups with IT departments at the university and college.
In future, the science Regensburg to grow. Steps should study mathematics, science and engineering courses at the University and the University of Applied Sciences will be further expanded. On a military site also resolved a technology park is planned.
bridges are ubiquitous in Regensburg: The University of Regensburg in a stylized bridge with their seals and counts them in their self-image. With around 26,500 students Regensburg is one of the great university cities of southern Germany. The University has since its inception developed 50 years ago not even the tip of Germany's young academics. In all Bavarian universities last no university has grown faster than Regensburg. In the current academic semester reports the training ground, even a new student record and a total of about five percent more students. This is in addition to the Regensburg future technologies - such as biotechnology, sensor technology, or IT - especially to its role as southern Germany's most important pillars of "academic bridge" to the new EU member states in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Since the political changes in Eastern Europe were made with Europaeum, the East-West Studies, the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe or the Bohemicum numerous nationally unique facilities that young people from Germany, Western and Eastern Europe closer together. Once again, Regensburg
throws his trump card as a "bridge city" now with the title battle for Germany's "Science City" in 2012 in the balance. "Regensburg is expected to more than become a city of knowledge and innovation to date, a bridge between developers and businesses, a center for ideas and products to conquer the world," says Regensburg Mayor Hans Schaidinger, of the final judges the application concept imagine the end of March in Mainz.
Regensburg, where once the astronomer Johannes Kepler and the polymath Albertus Magnus researched wants to compete in the Donors' Association for German Science his rank as a high growth location with promising opportunities to strengthen further. Together, the founders developed a bold vision: In twenty years will be a city of Regensburg teaching with development centers, think tanks and strategic planning departments, a city of inventors and decision makers, a city of knowledge and a city of exchange.
On their way to the title will top the East Bavarian town with many activities, events and initiatives, the competitors in Halle an der Saale, Sachsen-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein in Lübeck. Plans include a year-round science quiz and a summer theme week, which the inhabitants of the city and the region is close to bringing the sciences and their connection to the economy. to be created the post of a new urban science coordinator. In addition, a scientific dialogue, a lecture series under the working title "Science for All" and a new science prize are planned to be named after Johannes Kepler. The continuation of the "children's university", which already regularly thrilled the offspring of the research is on the program.
A jury of the Donors' Association for German Science is on 29. March in Mainz announce the winners of the city known. The leaders in the city on the Danube are convinced that Regensburg has the best chance to Bremen / Bremerhaven, Dresden, Braunschweig, Jena, Oldenburg, Germany and Mainz seventh "city of science" to be.
What is obx-news?
obx-news is a non-profit Press Service and is produced by news work, Eastern Bavaria's largest news agency. The reproduction of text and photos for free editorial for sending a specimen copy. The text reports and photos in print quality by obx-news can be obtained by downloading via the password-protected website
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Pokemon Leaf Green For Mac Vba
What fascinates you about Johann Jakob Kaup?
Johann Jakob Kaup in a photograph in 1860
interview with the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst Author of the pocket book "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt
question: Why did you write a biography of the Darmstadt zoologists and paleontologists Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873)?
Answer: Johann Jakob Kaup, in my view one of the great in zoology and paleontology, who was in the same breath as the famous scientist Hermann von Meyer in Frankfurt am Main, Georges Cuvier in Paris and Richard Owen in London are mentioned.
* Question: What fascinates you about Johann Jakob Kaup?
Answer: I was most fascinated by Johann Jakob Kaup, that he has succeeded in spite of adverse conditions, a famous scientist to be. He was born out of wedlock, grew up without a father, his mother died early. He studied two semesters. His employer paid him badly. Nevertheless, he surpassed many other scholars.
question: What remains a reminder of Johann Jakob Kaup?
Answer: At the Darmstadt naturalist remember scientific genus and species names, the Kaupstraße in his hometown of Darmstadt, the Kaup-archive in the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, the scientific publication "Kaupia", the "Kaupiana, Association of Friends of the Darmstadt school -Vivarium ", the mountain Mount Kaup in New Zealand. His name is also found in numerous books, scientific journals, the Internet and in museums. A photo of him adorns such as the Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim near Alzey in Rheinhessen.
* Question: What impressed you about the scientific output of Kaup special?
A. Kaup has dealt with insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, and described many genera and species scientific first. Many of the old in about ten million years deposits of the ancient Rhine Rheinhessen discovered in mammals owe their name is still valid today. For example, the Rhine-Elephant Deinotherium giganteum, the saber-toothed cat Machairodus aphanistus and the strange animal claw Chalicotherium goldfussi. Kaup of the term dates for the pterosaurs pterosaurs. His scientific publications had to travel and the father of five children usually pay out of pocket. Worldwide, he had contact with the best in his field and exchanged with them views and museum objects.
* Question: Have the scientific achievements of Kaup been duly appreciated?
Answer: In print dictionaries, look for the name of Johann Jakob Kaup in vain. But there is also the great Hermann von Meyer (1801-1869) no mention of Frankfurt am Main, who described the primitive bird Archaeopteryx, the German dragon Plateosaurus and many other fossil animals first scientifically. The online encyclopedia "Wikipedia", however, Kaup and Meyer befitting. About Kaup several short biographies have appeared. Here, above all, the authors George Heldmann, Georg Hefele, Hanns Feustel, Jens Lorenz Franzen and Gabriele Gruber to name. The Hessian National Museum Darmstadt is remembered for a long time in an exemplary manner at Kaup. In this regard, it Kaup fared much better than many other big companies in the science.
* Question: What is offered in your pocketbook on Johann Jakob Kaup?
Answer: The Biography "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt describes "in 248 pages the life of this famous scientist. The publication is lavishly illustrated. The photos, paintings and drawings, Kaup and contemporaries as well as exotic animals, the first scientifically described Kaup added. The biography is on "GRIN for academic texts" as e-books in PDF format and available as a printed Paperback. There is also the paperback in many online book stores and in any good bookstore.
order of the pocket book, or e-books on Johann Jakob Kaup in:
GRIN -from-darmstadt

Johann Jakob Kaup in a photograph in 1860
interview with the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst Author of the pocket book "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt
question: Why did you write a biography of the Darmstadt zoologists and paleontologists Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873)?
Answer: Johann Jakob Kaup, in my view one of the great in zoology and paleontology, who was in the same breath as the famous scientist Hermann von Meyer in Frankfurt am Main, Georges Cuvier in Paris and Richard Owen in London are mentioned.
* Question: What fascinates you about Johann Jakob Kaup?
Answer: I was most fascinated by Johann Jakob Kaup, that he has succeeded in spite of adverse conditions, a famous scientist to be. He was born out of wedlock, grew up without a father, his mother died early. He studied two semesters. His employer paid him badly. Nevertheless, he surpassed many other scholars.
question: What remains a reminder of Johann Jakob Kaup?
Answer: At the Darmstadt naturalist remember scientific genus and species names, the Kaupstraße in his hometown of Darmstadt, the Kaup-archive in the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, the scientific publication "Kaupia", the "Kaupiana, Association of Friends of the Darmstadt school -Vivarium ", the mountain Mount Kaup in New Zealand. His name is also found in numerous books, scientific journals, the Internet and in museums. A photo of him adorns such as the Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim near Alzey in Rheinhessen.
* Question: What impressed you about the scientific output of Kaup special?
A. Kaup has dealt with insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, and described many genera and species scientific first. Many of the old in about ten million years deposits of the ancient Rhine Rheinhessen discovered in mammals owe their name is still valid today. For example, the Rhine-Elephant Deinotherium giganteum, the saber-toothed cat Machairodus aphanistus and the strange animal claw Chalicotherium goldfussi. Kaup of the term dates for the pterosaurs pterosaurs. His scientific publications had to travel and the father of five children usually pay out of pocket. Worldwide, he had contact with the best in his field and exchanged with them views and museum objects.
* Question: Have the scientific achievements of Kaup been duly appreciated?
Answer: In print dictionaries, look for the name of Johann Jakob Kaup in vain. But there is also the great Hermann von Meyer (1801-1869) no mention of Frankfurt am Main, who described the primitive bird Archaeopteryx, the German dragon Plateosaurus and many other fossil animals first scientifically. The online encyclopedia "Wikipedia", however, Kaup and Meyer befitting. About Kaup several short biographies have appeared. Here, above all, the authors George Heldmann, Georg Hefele, Hanns Feustel, Jens Lorenz Franzen and Gabriele Gruber to name. The Hessian National Museum Darmstadt is remembered for a long time in an exemplary manner at Kaup. In this regard, it Kaup fared much better than many other big companies in the science.
* Question: What is offered in your pocketbook on Johann Jakob Kaup?
Answer: The Biography "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt describes "in 248 pages the life of this famous scientist. The publication is lavishly illustrated. The photos, paintings and drawings, Kaup and contemporaries as well as exotic animals, the first scientifically described Kaup added. The biography is on "GRIN for academic texts" as e-books in PDF format and available as a printed Paperback. There is also the paperback in many online book stores and in any good bookstore.
order of the pocket book, or e-books on Johann Jakob Kaup in:
GRIN -from-darmstadt
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Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt
Darmstadt (internet newspaper) - One of the greats in the world of zoology and paleontology was still young in the 19 Century was the Darmstadt naturalist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873). And even though he had studied only two terms and was actually almost a self-taught, so one who acquired his knowledge through self education. For most of his life, namely from 1828 to 1873, he worked on "Natural History Cabinet" of the "Grand Ducal Museum in Darmstadt, a predecessor of today's" Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Kaup examined several of today's insects, Fish and birds and extinct animals, described it as a scientific first, and gave them a name that is often true today. He acquired special merits for the study of animal life at great-Rheinhessen Rhine in the Upper Miocene, about ten million years ago. From his research industry for more than 150 publications, including monographs and comprehensive tools for zoological nomenclature. His close contacts with many famous naturalists of his time mainly from Europe and America, and his numerous trips abroad he used to enrich the collections in Darmstadt by exchange and purchase. This reached the Grand Duke's "Natural History Cabinet" soon international level. His varied life is in the pocketbook, "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst described. Among its specialties include popular science topics in paleontology and archeology as well as biographies of famous people. The paperback of Johann Jakob Kaup is the "Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt", the "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim and the "Natural History Museum in Mainz dedicated. These three museums have supported the author on numerous book projects.
order of the pocket book, or e-books on Johann Jakob Kaup in:
GRIN faecher/vorschau/168058.html

Darmstadt (internet newspaper) - One of the greats in the world of zoology and paleontology was still young in the 19 Century was the Darmstadt naturalist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873). And even though he had studied only two terms and was actually almost a self-taught, so one who acquired his knowledge through self education. For most of his life, namely from 1828 to 1873, he worked on "Natural History Cabinet" of the "Grand Ducal Museum in Darmstadt, a predecessor of today's" Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Kaup examined several of today's insects, Fish and birds and extinct animals, described it as a scientific first, and gave them a name that is often true today. He acquired special merits for the study of animal life at great-Rheinhessen Rhine in the Upper Miocene, about ten million years ago. From his research industry for more than 150 publications, including monographs and comprehensive tools for zoological nomenclature. His close contacts with many famous naturalists of his time mainly from Europe and America, and his numerous trips abroad he used to enrich the collections in Darmstadt by exchange and purchase. This reached the Grand Duke's "Natural History Cabinet" soon international level. His varied life is in the pocketbook, "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst described. Among its specialties include popular science topics in paleontology and archeology as well as biographies of famous people. The paperback of Johann Jakob Kaup is the "Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt", the "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim and the "Natural History Museum in Mainz dedicated. These three museums have supported the author on numerous book projects.
order of the pocket book, or e-books on Johann Jakob Kaup in:
GRIN faecher/vorschau/168058.html
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In "Latschariplatz" Authors are welcome
Diessenhofen (internet newspaper) - The community Latschariplatz " Diessenhofen the region and the" global neighborhood " more than one million visitors is open to all opinions. Journalists, press photographers and local reporters have, according to the operator the option of their "real meaning" (quoted in full) contribute! Without censorship, without text-cuts and the fully delivered pictures! Over 50 authors will already make use of this option. Even reports which were rejected by other editors, the author or the author are, however, at heart, that they are made publicly available, have their place in this medium. Political contributions (eg with respect to elections and voting) are welcome.
Diessenhofen (internet newspaper) - The community Latschariplatz " Diessenhofen the region and the" global neighborhood " more than one million visitors is open to all opinions. Journalists, press photographers and local reporters have, according to the operator the option of their "real meaning" (quoted in full) contribute! Without censorship, without text-cuts and the fully delivered pictures! Over 50 authors will already make use of this option. Even reports which were rejected by other editors, the author or the author are, however, at heart, that they are made publicly available, have their place in this medium. Political contributions (eg with respect to elections and voting) are welcome.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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The Bavarian Forest is back in "attendance record at the green roof of Europe"
The number of overnight guests at the green roof of Europe "is higher than ever before. The most important guarantee of success: the ingenuity of tourism in the hilly regions at the Bavarian-Bohemian border
Regensburg (obx - internet-newspaper) - 2010 stayed at the Bavarian Forest as many guests as never before: nearly 1.6 million tourists enjoyed their stay in the largest contiguous forest area of Europe between January and December. The bed occupancy rate has risen over the past two years by 3.5 percent. The Tourist Board of Eastern Bavaria and the hotels in the region want to make in the future with unique leisure and entertainment offerings that the Bavarian Forest of Germany family holiday region remains number 1.
"This is a great result," says Alexander Anetsberger, marketing director for the Bavarian Forest in eastern Bavaria Tourism. The record attendance in 2010 was also a success for many image campaigns and quality initiatives in the region, where the tourist is involved.
The Bavarian Forest is back in fashion. Have contributed, above all, the increased focus on quality and innovative services. Many hoteliers have taken advantage of the reduced VAT rate to invest in their homes - for example, targeted quality services for families.
as "Michelin Star" Eastern Bavaria radiation for several years, "Bear" about the child-friendly houses. Hotels that serve a catalog of more than 50 criteria, able to display three, four or five stars. The list of mandatory criteria starts with the bedroom with mosquito repellent and ends with "anti-slip measures" in the bathroom. More than a hundred hotels and guest houses have to be certified now. But the tourist information service to invest in more quality to improve the offer for the guests in the Bavarian forest. More and more deals in the region are now to book over the Internet.
can score points with guests of the Bavarian Forest in particular, with many unique leisure and entertainment offerings in nature: "In natural Hochseilpark Schoenberg (Landkreis Freyung-Grafenau), in the summer toboggan run at Silver Mountain in ground corn (District of rain), the Pullman City Eging am See (district of Passau) and a 3D wilderness trip in the house to the wilderness in Bayerisch Eisenstein (Landkreis Cham) are unforgettable holiday experiences guaranteed "promises Ulrike Eberl-Walter by the tourism eastern Bavaria.
The number of overnight guests at the green roof of Europe "is higher than ever before. The most important guarantee of success: the ingenuity of tourism in the hilly regions at the Bavarian-Bohemian border
Regensburg (obx - internet-newspaper) - 2010 stayed at the Bavarian Forest as many guests as never before: nearly 1.6 million tourists enjoyed their stay in the largest contiguous forest area of Europe between January and December. The bed occupancy rate has risen over the past two years by 3.5 percent. The Tourist Board of Eastern Bavaria and the hotels in the region want to make in the future with unique leisure and entertainment offerings that the Bavarian Forest of Germany family holiday region remains number 1.
"This is a great result," says Alexander Anetsberger, marketing director for the Bavarian Forest in eastern Bavaria Tourism. The record attendance in 2010 was also a success for many image campaigns and quality initiatives in the region, where the tourist is involved.
The Bavarian Forest is back in fashion. Have contributed, above all, the increased focus on quality and innovative services. Many hoteliers have taken advantage of the reduced VAT rate to invest in their homes - for example, targeted quality services for families.
as "Michelin Star" Eastern Bavaria radiation for several years, "Bear" about the child-friendly houses. Hotels that serve a catalog of more than 50 criteria, able to display three, four or five stars. The list of mandatory criteria starts with the bedroom with mosquito repellent and ends with "anti-slip measures" in the bathroom. More than a hundred hotels and guest houses have to be certified now. But the tourist information service to invest in more quality to improve the offer for the guests in the Bavarian forest. More and more deals in the region are now to book over the Internet.
can score points with guests of the Bavarian Forest in particular, with many unique leisure and entertainment offerings in nature: "In natural Hochseilpark Schoenberg (Landkreis Freyung-Grafenau), in the summer toboggan run at Silver Mountain in ground corn (District of rain), the Pullman City Eging am See (district of Passau) and a 3D wilderness trip in the house to the wilderness in Bayerisch Eisenstein (Landkreis Cham) are unforgettable holiday experiences guaranteed "promises Ulrike Eberl-Walter by the tourism eastern Bavaria.
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hit produced the first article in Stereo 3D
Zwickau (TV-in-internet) - On 17 February 2011 turned hit first contribution was not only in the usual SD and HD on its homepage, but also in stereo 3D. As usual, the article in the video formats DivX and H.264 on the platform was published. In a review of the August Horch Museum, the possibilities of production and production expenses were tested. Was supported by the production company Videocation, the camera technology was made available.
"Although the production costs and the costs are so much higher than a normal HD-review, we will devote ourselves to this subject further, if customers want and the audience in 3D productions, "the program and technical manager of hit, Heiko Richter. "We are now ready to perform 3D productions and there are even more in the pipeline."
for the enjoyment 3D 3D-enabled devices are necessary to support the so-called side-by-side method. The decision was made due for the current very widespread use of this method. The technological processes for the other 3D methods may also be realized. Very useful turns out to be about 3D, cooperation with the firm VideoWeb. Their VideoWeb 600S - hybrid box is already offering the Requirements for playing 3D contributions. Combined with a 3D-TV is the box a very good combination for the entire 3D experience. is the first company to publish a post on the 3D VideoWeb S600.
since February 2011 has hit a new regional studio in the Erzgebirge. Daniel Unger was able to entrust the hit TV Broadcast Europe GbR an experienced media designer with this task. Based in Saxony Aue he will specifically look after issues in the Erzgebirge region. In addition, the Erzgebirgsstudio in national productions integrated.
hit is an Internet television provider, starting in September 2006 in full TV resolution, January 2008 regularly in HD channels to 23 articles and broadcasts very successful providing free. Currently has hit an average growth of spectators of around 10% -30% over the same month last year.
hit has set from the beginning to the DivX technology. Thus, hit to most Internet-TV services a higher image quality, which corresponds to the classic television and in some cases even exceed. Since January 2008, HD content increasingly available. In December 2007, with the DivXConnected Box made the first attempt to create the leap from the computer into the living room. currently offers about 4,000 items between contributions and 20 seconds and one hour free of charge. Since October 2007, they can also be multilingual, and interactive - similar to a DVD (not the web player). Since September 2010 provides hit his contributions and shipments continued in the H.264 codec. They are watching since November 2010 with the 600S VideoWeb Box on the home television.
to hit are next to the headquarters in Saxony at Zwickau Lichtentanne currently seven foreign Studios (Berlin, Brandenburg, Thuringia, Dresden, Vogtland, southern Germany, Erzgebirge). Others are in preparation. Overall is supplied by over 95 suppliers with content. Monthly, with new providers.
Zwickau (TV-in-internet) - On 17 February 2011 turned hit first contribution was not only in the usual SD and HD on its homepage, but also in stereo 3D. As usual, the article in the video formats DivX and H.264 on the platform was published. In a review of the August Horch Museum, the possibilities of production and production expenses were tested. Was supported by the production company Videocation, the camera technology was made available.
"Although the production costs and the costs are so much higher than a normal HD-review, we will devote ourselves to this subject further, if customers want and the audience in 3D productions, "the program and technical manager of hit, Heiko Richter. "We are now ready to perform 3D productions and there are even more in the pipeline."
for the enjoyment 3D 3D-enabled devices are necessary to support the so-called side-by-side method. The decision was made due for the current very widespread use of this method. The technological processes for the other 3D methods may also be realized. Very useful turns out to be about 3D, cooperation with the firm VideoWeb. Their VideoWeb 600S - hybrid box is already offering the Requirements for playing 3D contributions. Combined with a 3D-TV is the box a very good combination for the entire 3D experience. is the first company to publish a post on the 3D VideoWeb S600.
since February 2011 has hit a new regional studio in the Erzgebirge. Daniel Unger was able to entrust the hit TV Broadcast Europe GbR an experienced media designer with this task. Based in Saxony Aue he will specifically look after issues in the Erzgebirge region. In addition, the Erzgebirgsstudio in national productions integrated.
hit is an Internet television provider, starting in September 2006 in full TV resolution, January 2008 regularly in HD channels to 23 articles and broadcasts very successful providing free. Currently has hit an average growth of spectators of around 10% -30% over the same month last year.
hit has set from the beginning to the DivX technology. Thus, hit to most Internet-TV services a higher image quality, which corresponds to the classic television and in some cases even exceed. Since January 2008, HD content increasingly available. In December 2007, with the DivXConnected Box made the first attempt to create the leap from the computer into the living room. currently offers about 4,000 items between contributions and 20 seconds and one hour free of charge. Since October 2007, they can also be multilingual, and interactive - similar to a DVD (not the web player). Since September 2010 provides hit his contributions and shipments continued in the H.264 codec. They are watching since November 2010 with the 600S VideoWeb Box on the home television.
to hit are next to the headquarters in Saxony at Zwickau Lichtentanne currently seven foreign Studios (Berlin, Brandenburg, Thuringia, Dresden, Vogtland, southern Germany, Erzgebirge). Others are in preparation. Overall is supplied by over 95 suppliers with content. Monthly, with new providers.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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A mystical danger to men: 100 Birthday of Jean Harlow on 3 March 2011
The American film actress Jean Harlow (actually Harlean Harlow Carpenter) outshone with silvery bleached hair, the movie blondes the dark years of depression after the crash, and played a vital and energetic type of woman with beauty and Sex-Appeal cleared the way up.
Born in Kansas City, Missouri, the daughter of the dentist Mont Clair Carpenter and his mother Jean Poe Carpenter (nee Harlow) it inherits maternal intelligence and willpower. Harleans nickname is "The Baby", he hangs her a lifetime. Only when she starts school, she understands that her name is not "baby", but Harlean. For the mother, Jean is the daughter of a grocery point that it distracts from her unhappy marriage.
1922 can be the mother divorced; 1923 she moved with her daughter to Hollywood. The young Harlean comes into contact with later Hollywood drama stars like Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Joel McCrea and producer Irene Mayer Selznick, daughter of studio mogul Louis B. Mayer. From a financial hardship and blackmailed with a possible disinherited by her grandfather Skip Harlow return mother and daughter returned to Kansas City.
The 16-year Harlean and the 20-year-old Charles "Chuck" McGrew burn each other through. At 21, Chuck receives a portion of his enormous legacy. In 1928 the couple moved to Los Angeles and settled in Beverly Hills. They do not initially work, and especially Chuck speaks to alcohol. After some exercises refusal follows Harlean but her mother and takes work - the beginning of her acting career. This is by her marriage to Chuck on the line until they can leave him 1929th
1930 she is a star and a presence in many films. With "Platinum Blonde" their image is already perfect, and its platinum-colored hair fashion. At 21, she gets a contract at MGM. Soon they become the Super Star, by her stage name Jean Harlow interior. MGM accented jeans Vita in the direction of a venerable and noble-looking home and creates a new persona for the public. Jean takes her change for the audience with humor. Her second husband, MGM producer Paul Bern comes mysteriously killed, and there are rumors that she had killed him. It can survive the threat of scandal and is a connection with the boxer Max Baer one. MGM fears a new scandal and arranged a marriage with Harold Rosson from the film industry. The mid-30s, Jean one of the biggest stars of the USA and is listed as a new Greta Garbo.
But the superstar is seriously ill. The disease symptoms are not taken seriously enough, and she died at 26 on a cerebral edema at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles at the height of her career. About the "real" cause of death remains a mystery for long. Her first unpublished novel, "Today is Tonight" appears posthumously 1965th
original quote Jean Harlow: "I'm not a great actress, and I never thought I was. But I happen . To have something the public likes "
FemBio (Hanover / Boston) Professor of Luise F. Pusch is the world's most comprehensive women's web portal and is the greatest treasure of biographies available woman - with a focus on Europe and America.
original FemBiografie Brigitte Wark, filmography and photo gallery of Jean Harlow on
processing Evelyn Thriene
FemBio Press Office, Zähringer Platz 11, D-78464 Konstanz
The American film actress Jean Harlow (actually Harlean Harlow Carpenter) outshone with silvery bleached hair, the movie blondes the dark years of depression after the crash, and played a vital and energetic type of woman with beauty and Sex-Appeal cleared the way up.
Born in Kansas City, Missouri, the daughter of the dentist Mont Clair Carpenter and his mother Jean Poe Carpenter (nee Harlow) it inherits maternal intelligence and willpower. Harleans nickname is "The Baby", he hangs her a lifetime. Only when she starts school, she understands that her name is not "baby", but Harlean. For the mother, Jean is the daughter of a grocery point that it distracts from her unhappy marriage.
1922 can be the mother divorced; 1923 she moved with her daughter to Hollywood. The young Harlean comes into contact with later Hollywood drama stars like Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Joel McCrea and producer Irene Mayer Selznick, daughter of studio mogul Louis B. Mayer. From a financial hardship and blackmailed with a possible disinherited by her grandfather Skip Harlow return mother and daughter returned to Kansas City.
The 16-year Harlean and the 20-year-old Charles "Chuck" McGrew burn each other through. At 21, Chuck receives a portion of his enormous legacy. In 1928 the couple moved to Los Angeles and settled in Beverly Hills. They do not initially work, and especially Chuck speaks to alcohol. After some exercises refusal follows Harlean but her mother and takes work - the beginning of her acting career. This is by her marriage to Chuck on the line until they can leave him 1929th
1930 she is a star and a presence in many films. With "Platinum Blonde" their image is already perfect, and its platinum-colored hair fashion. At 21, she gets a contract at MGM. Soon they become the Super Star, by her stage name Jean Harlow interior. MGM accented jeans Vita in the direction of a venerable and noble-looking home and creates a new persona for the public. Jean takes her change for the audience with humor. Her second husband, MGM producer Paul Bern comes mysteriously killed, and there are rumors that she had killed him. It can survive the threat of scandal and is a connection with the boxer Max Baer one. MGM fears a new scandal and arranged a marriage with Harold Rosson from the film industry. The mid-30s, Jean one of the biggest stars of the USA and is listed as a new Greta Garbo.
But the superstar is seriously ill. The disease symptoms are not taken seriously enough, and she died at 26 on a cerebral edema at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles at the height of her career. About the "real" cause of death remains a mystery for long. Her first unpublished novel, "Today is Tonight" appears posthumously 1965th
original quote Jean Harlow: "I'm not a great actress, and I never thought I was. But I happen . To have something the public likes "
FemBio (Hanover / Boston) Professor of Luise F. Pusch is the world's most comprehensive women's web portal and is the greatest treasure of biographies available woman - with a focus on Europe and America.
original FemBiografie Brigitte Wark, filmography and photo gallery of Jean Harlow on
processing Evelyn Thriene
FemBio Press Office, Zähringer Platz 11, D-78464 Konstanz
Monday, February 28, 2011
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Niederbayern conquer dream jobs through the clouds
A two-day job coaching for candidates from the area of Landshut is to enhance the employment opportunities for low-Bayern now clear.
Photo: obx-news/Lufthansa
ready to go: With a nationwide unique coaching project aims to Lower Bavaria fit in a large-scale community action his youth for the working world at the airport and in the air.
Landshut / Munich (obx - the messages) - In southern Germany's biggest hub for air transport, airport Franz Josef Strauss in Erdinger Moos are the signs of growth: By 2020, the operating company expects about 13,000 new jobs - In service, in the air and on ground. Lower Bavaria wants to use the "job machine", which is around half an hour's drive of the capital district of Landshut as close as the Bavarian capital Munich, now as a future opportunity for the domestic labor market. In a nationally unique collaboration, the Regional Marketing has added a series of job coaching initiated, designed to highlight Interested fit for the demanding selection process in the aerospace industry. In the spring starts the pilot project.
34.7 million passengers last year in Munich were in the air "- more than ever before. And also for the future predicts Airport CEO Michael Kerkloh the aviation hub of a further upward trend by the year 2015, the number of passengers to rise to 48 million, thanks to the planned third runway and a new Lufthansa terminal planned satellites. 2025, the forecasts could increase the number of passengers in Munich can go up to almost 60 million. By comparison, the dimensions are now reaching only a few of the world's major airports like London Heathrow or Paris Charles de Gaulle.
work currently around 28,000 people in the Erdinger Moos, 2020, the workforce is rising to more than 41,000. The expansion of the Munich airport to inspire especially the Lower Bavarian labor market: "Are workers from Lower Bavaria today under-represented at the Munich airport," says the Lower Bavarian officer for the Regional Marketing, Michael Kliebenstein. "One of the biggest job engines in Germany is right at our doorstep, we have to exploit this potential," said Kliebenstein. He added the action "job coaching" and initiated with the adult education school in Landshut, the employment agency, brought the foreign language school in Landshut, Lower Bavaria, as well as other adult education powerful partners on board.
"Often there are large barriers to compete at the airport, because the demands are high," Kliebenstein said at the launch of the project. had only two of eight prospective success with their application. A two-day job coaching for candidates from the area of Landshut is to enhance the employment opportunities for low-Bayern now clear. An "airline etiquette, telephone interviews in German and English, the basics of flight service and the most important know-how for the" dream job flight attendants "to make the Lower Bavarian candidate fit for the selection process operator and the airlines. For service agents will be special preparation workshops. Training takes place in small groups with experienced flight attendants as educators. The pilot project is to gradually be extended to all of Landshut in Lower Bavaria.
Impressed by the project is also the Landshut employment agency: "Especially for the unemployed in these professions I am waiting for their language skills, strong service mentality and the desire for professional reorientation good possibilities with this project," said Mary Stewart, the Employment Agency Head in Landshut.
More information about the project and the dates below: . was

A two-day job coaching for candidates from the area of Landshut is to enhance the employment opportunities for low-Bayern now clear.
Photo: obx-news/Lufthansa
ready to go: With a nationwide unique coaching project aims to Lower Bavaria fit in a large-scale community action his youth for the working world at the airport and in the air.
Landshut / Munich (obx - the messages) - In southern Germany's biggest hub for air transport, airport Franz Josef Strauss in Erdinger Moos are the signs of growth: By 2020, the operating company expects about 13,000 new jobs - In service, in the air and on ground. Lower Bavaria wants to use the "job machine", which is around half an hour's drive of the capital district of Landshut as close as the Bavarian capital Munich, now as a future opportunity for the domestic labor market. In a nationally unique collaboration, the Regional Marketing has added a series of job coaching initiated, designed to highlight Interested fit for the demanding selection process in the aerospace industry. In the spring starts the pilot project.
34.7 million passengers last year in Munich were in the air "- more than ever before. And also for the future predicts Airport CEO Michael Kerkloh the aviation hub of a further upward trend by the year 2015, the number of passengers to rise to 48 million, thanks to the planned third runway and a new Lufthansa terminal planned satellites. 2025, the forecasts could increase the number of passengers in Munich can go up to almost 60 million. By comparison, the dimensions are now reaching only a few of the world's major airports like London Heathrow or Paris Charles de Gaulle.
work currently around 28,000 people in the Erdinger Moos, 2020, the workforce is rising to more than 41,000. The expansion of the Munich airport to inspire especially the Lower Bavarian labor market: "Are workers from Lower Bavaria today under-represented at the Munich airport," says the Lower Bavarian officer for the Regional Marketing, Michael Kliebenstein. "One of the biggest job engines in Germany is right at our doorstep, we have to exploit this potential," said Kliebenstein. He added the action "job coaching" and initiated with the adult education school in Landshut, the employment agency, brought the foreign language school in Landshut, Lower Bavaria, as well as other adult education powerful partners on board.
"Often there are large barriers to compete at the airport, because the demands are high," Kliebenstein said at the launch of the project. had only two of eight prospective success with their application. A two-day job coaching for candidates from the area of Landshut is to enhance the employment opportunities for low-Bayern now clear. An "airline etiquette, telephone interviews in German and English, the basics of flight service and the most important know-how for the" dream job flight attendants "to make the Lower Bavarian candidate fit for the selection process operator and the airlines. For service agents will be special preparation workshops. Training takes place in small groups with experienced flight attendants as educators. The pilot project is to gradually be extended to all of Landshut in Lower Bavaria.
Impressed by the project is also the Landshut employment agency: "Especially for the unemployed in these professions I am waiting for their language skills, strong service mentality and the desire for professional reorientation good possibilities with this project," said Mary Stewart, the Employment Agency Head in Landshut.
More information about the project and the dates below: . was
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Johann Jakob Kaup - A great naturalists from Darmstadt
By Ernst Probst
Johann Jakob Kaup on 20 April 1803, the illegitimate son Lieutenant Frederick Kaup was born in Darmstadt. From 1812 he attended high school, where he was a bad student. Latin and Greek, he was interested in little, the nature and especially the animal world, however, very much. After the death of his mother in 1820 he was an orphan.
Subsequently earned Johann Jakob Kaup with typing, which stood him in good handwriting benefit and the sale of stuffed birds for a living. The birds he brought a blowgun to the track. The stuffing had taught him the Oberforstrat Dr. Georg Bekker, head of the Natural History Cabinet in Darmstadt.
From 1822 Johann Jakob Kaup studied at the University of Gottingen, where the famous Naturalist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) taught zoology. After a year he moved to the University of Heidelberg, then to the Rijks Museum van Naturlijke History in Leiden (Holland), where he examined fish and amphibians.
Ludewig I. Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine in 1828 shared the private scholar Johann Jakob Kaup the natural history collection in Darmstadt. Kaup worked there until 1837 as "temporary staff".
in April 1829 in the publication "Sketched history and natural system of European Wildlife" presented Kaup remarkable ideas and principles, so he was one of the forerunners of the British naturalist Charles Darwin (1808-1882) holds. At that time, he acts as the sole agent of the natural history collection in Darmstadt, and received an annual bonus of 440 guilders. To supplement his modest income
, Kaup taught the sons of distinguished families. Among his students including Heinrich August Schleiermacher (later director of the museum in Darmstadt, Germany) and Carl Eigenbrodt (later the personal doctor of Louis IV). With great zeal Kaup dealt with the drawing and the processing of fossil finds.
1831 Kaup doctorate degree in philosophy. He laid the renowned French naturalist Georges Cuvier (1769-1832), the founder of vertebrate paleontology, a manuscript about fossils before. Cuvier, he donated for special praise.
1832 German naturalist Heinrich Georg Bronn (1800-1862) in Heidelberg Kaup to cooperate on the "New Journal of Mineralogy, geology and fossils customer." In the aftermath Kaup attended numerous professional conferences and published articles highly regarded. In 1837 he was "real inspector at the natural history collection in Darmstadt.
1854 Kaup bought in London in 1801 in North America excavated and well-preserved skeleton of a so-called Mastodon (pachyderm) for only 1,200 guilders. 1855 he worked for three months in the fish collection at the Paris Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle "in Charles Lucien Bonaparte (1803-1857), invited the Kaup and included in his family had. Kaup had with many famous naturalists of his time close contacts. Among other things, with the London paleontologist Richard Owen (1804-1892), who coined the name dinosaur. Kaup in 1858 became a professor.
Kaup described numerous fossils. Among other things, he proposed the genus name
Deinotherium giganteum before a pachyderm from the Miocene,
Chalicotherium (1833) for a "krallenfüßiges ungulate from the Miocene
and Chirotherium (1835," hand beast ") for a country of dinosaurs from the Triassic.
On 4 July 1873 Johann Jakob Kaup died at the age of 70 in Darmstadt. The obituary Newspapers praised the Darmstadt its simple, honest and always cheerful character that earned him many friends.
Ernst Probst: The Ur-Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years ago, GRIN 2009
Ernst Probst: Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, GRIN 2011 (in preparation)
Jens Lorenz Franzen / Heiner Roos / Ernst Probst: The Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim, Eppelsheim 2009
By Ernst Probst
Johann Jakob Kaup on 20 April 1803, the illegitimate son Lieutenant Frederick Kaup was born in Darmstadt. From 1812 he attended high school, where he was a bad student. Latin and Greek, he was interested in little, the nature and especially the animal world, however, very much. After the death of his mother in 1820 he was an orphan.
Subsequently earned Johann Jakob Kaup with typing, which stood him in good handwriting benefit and the sale of stuffed birds for a living. The birds he brought a blowgun to the track. The stuffing had taught him the Oberforstrat Dr. Georg Bekker, head of the Natural History Cabinet in Darmstadt.
From 1822 Johann Jakob Kaup studied at the University of Gottingen, where the famous Naturalist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) taught zoology. After a year he moved to the University of Heidelberg, then to the Rijks Museum van Naturlijke History in Leiden (Holland), where he examined fish and amphibians.
Ludewig I. Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine in 1828 shared the private scholar Johann Jakob Kaup the natural history collection in Darmstadt. Kaup worked there until 1837 as "temporary staff".
in April 1829 in the publication "Sketched history and natural system of European Wildlife" presented Kaup remarkable ideas and principles, so he was one of the forerunners of the British naturalist Charles Darwin (1808-1882) holds. At that time, he acts as the sole agent of the natural history collection in Darmstadt, and received an annual bonus of 440 guilders. To supplement his modest income
, Kaup taught the sons of distinguished families. Among his students including Heinrich August Schleiermacher (later director of the museum in Darmstadt, Germany) and Carl Eigenbrodt (later the personal doctor of Louis IV). With great zeal Kaup dealt with the drawing and the processing of fossil finds.
1831 Kaup doctorate degree in philosophy. He laid the renowned French naturalist Georges Cuvier (1769-1832), the founder of vertebrate paleontology, a manuscript about fossils before. Cuvier, he donated for special praise.
1832 German naturalist Heinrich Georg Bronn (1800-1862) in Heidelberg Kaup to cooperate on the "New Journal of Mineralogy, geology and fossils customer." In the aftermath Kaup attended numerous professional conferences and published articles highly regarded. In 1837 he was "real inspector at the natural history collection in Darmstadt.
1854 Kaup bought in London in 1801 in North America excavated and well-preserved skeleton of a so-called Mastodon (pachyderm) for only 1,200 guilders. 1855 he worked for three months in the fish collection at the Paris Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle "in Charles Lucien Bonaparte (1803-1857), invited the Kaup and included in his family had. Kaup had with many famous naturalists of his time close contacts. Among other things, with the London paleontologist Richard Owen (1804-1892), who coined the name dinosaur. Kaup in 1858 became a professor.
Kaup described numerous fossils. Among other things, he proposed the genus name
Deinotherium giganteum before a pachyderm from the Miocene,
Chalicotherium (1833) for a "krallenfüßiges ungulate from the Miocene
and Chirotherium (1835," hand beast ") for a country of dinosaurs from the Triassic.
On 4 July 1873 Johann Jakob Kaup died at the age of 70 in Darmstadt. The obituary Newspapers praised the Darmstadt its simple, honest and always cheerful character that earned him many friends.
Ernst Probst: The Ur-Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years ago, GRIN 2009
Ernst Probst: Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, GRIN 2011 (in preparation)
Jens Lorenz Franzen / Heiner Roos / Ernst Probst: The Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim, Eppelsheim 2009
Friday, February 25, 2011
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tremendous ambassador of Lower Bavaria: Ludwig Valentin Angerer
Le Mont-Dore (obx - internet-newspaper) - The international renowned artist Valentin Ludwig Angerer (left) from the Lower Bavarian Biburg has the 6th European fantasists Salon in Le Mont-Dore received the award for the best work. The painter, architect and sculptor who is also known as "Angerer the Elder known, was awarded by an international jury for his image" Magmatic friends ". In keeping with the volcano-rich environment of the venue of the burning mountains, the theme of the fantasists salons, the most prestigious exhibition of the Surrealists in Europe. Laudator Angerer Louis Giscard d'Estaing was the son of former French president (right). The art of Angerer the Elder sold around the world: not only collectors, large enterprises and media companies appreciate his work. For artistic equipment of the movie "The Neverending Story II" Angerer has received the Bavarian Film Prize. In his travels around the world, the artist acts as a dedicated ambassador for his home in Lower Bavaria. "We can be proud of the work of our ambassador Angerer the Elder abroad," says Michael Kliebenstein, responsible for regional marketing in Lower Bavaria. Photos of Valentin Ludwig Angerer and 11 other European artists are on display until the 12th March at the European fantasists Show in Le Mont-Dore to see.

Le Mont-Dore (obx - internet-newspaper) - The international renowned artist Valentin Ludwig Angerer (left) from the Lower Bavarian Biburg has the 6th European fantasists Salon in Le Mont-Dore received the award for the best work. The painter, architect and sculptor who is also known as "Angerer the Elder known, was awarded by an international jury for his image" Magmatic friends ". In keeping with the volcano-rich environment of the venue of the burning mountains, the theme of the fantasists salons, the most prestigious exhibition of the Surrealists in Europe. Laudator Angerer Louis Giscard d'Estaing was the son of former French president (right). The art of Angerer the Elder sold around the world: not only collectors, large enterprises and media companies appreciate his work. For artistic equipment of the movie "The Neverending Story II" Angerer has received the Bavarian Film Prize. In his travels around the world, the artist acts as a dedicated ambassador for his home in Lower Bavaria. "We can be proud of the work of our ambassador Angerer the Elder abroad," says Michael Kliebenstein, responsible for regional marketing in Lower Bavaria. Photos of Valentin Ludwig Angerer and 11 other European artists are on display until the 12th March at the European fantasists Show in Le Mont-Dore to see.
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retention live
It's a big difference if I volunteered information about my whereabouts, or whether they provide at my provider "recorded" uncontrolled will. If I use a service like foursquare , I am solely responsible.
in contrast to data retention: Malte Spitz , member of the National Executive Board of the Green Party shows the terrifying dimensions of the "official" data storage mania.
It's a big difference if I volunteered information about my whereabouts, or whether they provide at my provider "recorded" uncontrolled will. If I use a service like foursquare , I am solely responsible.
in contrast to data retention: Malte Spitz , member of the National Executive Board of the Green Party shows the terrifying dimensions of the "official" data storage mania.
The mass of data, 35,000 records of my life have I been startled. Although viewing angle and spatial data are not my area of expertise, I could with the support of others, first small evaluations and make the findings are in the data.from this huge Excel table can design a course of life. The time has prepared this data graphically and also writes
It was clear that the theoretical threat of such a mass storage, will finally be within reach. So I've decided to publish the data in order to explain to data storage to make your life transparent and engage massively in your privacy, and serve all citizens.
The profile revealed when Malte Spitz running through the streets when he takes the train when it flies. It shows in each city and location where he is. It shows the times at which it operates and to which he sleeps when he can be best achieved when or rather not. It shows when he calls and when he would rather prefer a text message sent and it shows in the beer garden which he likes to sit. It shows a life.[via Internet Law ]
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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computer science: Robot Can independently investigate the nature?
computer science: Robot Can independently investigate the nature? The prototypes
Adam and Eve are demonstrating how machines work scientifically
From: Scientific American, March 2011
Is it possible to build a robot scientist, wins the new findings? Such adaptive, control with artificial intelligence machine has lined the entire research process: He is testing hypotheses, by independently designed and conducted experiments, interpreted the results and repeat this cycle until he meets with new knowledge.
In the March issue spectrum of the science presented to the computer scientist Ross D. King of the Aberystwyth University in Wales, a system that is all that can. The robot is Adam, but looks very unlike a man: Adam is an automated laboratory the size of a small office room. The equipment includes, among other things, a refrigerator, devices for manipulating fluids, robot arms, incubators and centrifuges - automates everything. Of course, Adam also has a powerful computer brain that runs the circuit and controls the single computer for hardware control.
examined the research robot how to grow single-celled microorganisms, by stating that Microbial strains and nutrients, and then selects a number of days observed as the cultures grow. The robot can per day about a thousand such trials set in motion. In this way an important and well researched Adam automatable in biology, functional genomics. It examines the relationship between genes and their function.
In fact Adam was a previously unknown relationship between the three genes of the yeast and a specific enzyme. But we must therefore call Adam the same as a scientist? The machine is a prototype, and again engage a technician to fix bugs in hardware and software. Also working the software modules are not without human assistance problem together. Still, Adams approach to form hypotheses and confirm experimentally new knowledge, no intellectual or physical effort required on the part of man. In this sense, it operates autonomously.
Kings team, meanwhile, has built a second robot: Eve applies the same automated research programs, such as Adam, but this time on developing and testing drugs. Eva's research focuses on tropical diseases like malaria and sleeping sickness. Adams Auto colleague has already found some interesting links that seem to work against malaria. King is convinced that with the progress of computer technology and artificial intelligence researchers getting a lot smarter robot will be created.
Whether they ever led to revolutionary insights or only a routine research to be able to be is a basic question about the future of science. Some researchers think through automation was not a scientific revolution to achieve. Others say in a hundred years would be the best physicists to be a machine. The future will show who is right.
computer science: Robot Can independently investigate the nature? The prototypes
Adam and Eve are demonstrating how machines work scientifically
From: Scientific American, March 2011
Is it possible to build a robot scientist, wins the new findings? Such adaptive, control with artificial intelligence machine has lined the entire research process: He is testing hypotheses, by independently designed and conducted experiments, interpreted the results and repeat this cycle until he meets with new knowledge.
In the March issue spectrum of the science presented to the computer scientist Ross D. King of the Aberystwyth University in Wales, a system that is all that can. The robot is Adam, but looks very unlike a man: Adam is an automated laboratory the size of a small office room. The equipment includes, among other things, a refrigerator, devices for manipulating fluids, robot arms, incubators and centrifuges - automates everything. Of course, Adam also has a powerful computer brain that runs the circuit and controls the single computer for hardware control.
examined the research robot how to grow single-celled microorganisms, by stating that Microbial strains and nutrients, and then selects a number of days observed as the cultures grow. The robot can per day about a thousand such trials set in motion. In this way an important and well researched Adam automatable in biology, functional genomics. It examines the relationship between genes and their function.
In fact Adam was a previously unknown relationship between the three genes of the yeast and a specific enzyme. But we must therefore call Adam the same as a scientist? The machine is a prototype, and again engage a technician to fix bugs in hardware and software. Also working the software modules are not without human assistance problem together. Still, Adams approach to form hypotheses and confirm experimentally new knowledge, no intellectual or physical effort required on the part of man. In this sense, it operates autonomously.
Kings team, meanwhile, has built a second robot: Eve applies the same automated research programs, such as Adam, but this time on developing and testing drugs. Eva's research focuses on tropical diseases like malaria and sleeping sickness. Adams Auto colleague has already found some interesting links that seem to work against malaria. King is convinced that with the progress of computer technology and artificial intelligence researchers getting a lot smarter robot will be created.
Whether they ever led to revolutionary insights or only a routine research to be able to be is a basic question about the future of science. Some researchers think through automation was not a scientific revolution to achieve. Others say in a hundred years would be the best physicists to be a machine. The future will show who is right.
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Anthropology: Our inert genetic
Many human gene variants are much older than assumed
From: Scientific American, March 2011
penetrate more deeply into the secrets of our genetic research genetic material, the more will find more surprises them. In the March issue of "Scientific American" of American human geneticist Jonathan K. Pritchard tells of the University of Chicago on the origin of the genetic diversity of today's humans. Like a number of colleagues Pritchard looks for traces of the distribution history of Homo sapiens in the genome. Mutations, for example, gene variants that may bear this out.
Experts previously suspected, many clear genetic differences between some groups of people were present in the evolutionary scale occurred only recently, before more than a few thousand years - because that is adjustment to new environments would represent conquered. But this is not the case. The meticulous thinning of many Genomes revealed very few examples of the genes - and in particular the gene pool of populations - lately so clearly changed. Among the few blatant cases, any adjustment in blood Tibetans who makes life easier in 4000 meters height. It emphasizes the connection, like the adaptation to digest milk in adulthood in different populations of animal breeders. Most
but appearances are deceiving. For example, a mutation was important for lighter skin in Europe is not only, as people moved further and further north, there to absorb vitamin D formation still had enough UV radiation. Rather, this genetic variant was already somewhere in the south just off the Urwurzel of Europeans, and soon after leaving Africa, and shortly after the East Asians were later split off.
appear at all, most of today's genetic adaptations yet to come from times that date back at least several tens of thousand years. Pritchard describes in non-Africans, three general patterns in the genome - or ramifications of lines of development - that reflect the spread of Homo sapiens rather well. A lot changed after leaving Africa at least 60,000 years ago - this heritage to this day impressed by much. In addition, features a common origin of Europeans and West Asians from clear. The third pattern marks the East Asian, Australian and American indigenous peoples.
But as explained by today's diversity? Pritchard and his colleagues suspect that evolution plays in adjustment processes, each with a large number of genes, more precisely, that usually involve hundreds or even thousands of genes at a feature. The contribution of each gene can then be negligible. Already, scientists have identified 50 genetic factors for body size, and they expect a lot more.
Many human gene variants are much older than assumed
From: Scientific American, March 2011
penetrate more deeply into the secrets of our genetic research genetic material, the more will find more surprises them. In the March issue of "Scientific American" of American human geneticist Jonathan K. Pritchard tells of the University of Chicago on the origin of the genetic diversity of today's humans. Like a number of colleagues Pritchard looks for traces of the distribution history of Homo sapiens in the genome. Mutations, for example, gene variants that may bear this out.
Experts previously suspected, many clear genetic differences between some groups of people were present in the evolutionary scale occurred only recently, before more than a few thousand years - because that is adjustment to new environments would represent conquered. But this is not the case. The meticulous thinning of many Genomes revealed very few examples of the genes - and in particular the gene pool of populations - lately so clearly changed. Among the few blatant cases, any adjustment in blood Tibetans who makes life easier in 4000 meters height. It emphasizes the connection, like the adaptation to digest milk in adulthood in different populations of animal breeders. Most
but appearances are deceiving. For example, a mutation was important for lighter skin in Europe is not only, as people moved further and further north, there to absorb vitamin D formation still had enough UV radiation. Rather, this genetic variant was already somewhere in the south just off the Urwurzel of Europeans, and soon after leaving Africa, and shortly after the East Asians were later split off.
appear at all, most of today's genetic adaptations yet to come from times that date back at least several tens of thousand years. Pritchard describes in non-Africans, three general patterns in the genome - or ramifications of lines of development - that reflect the spread of Homo sapiens rather well. A lot changed after leaving Africa at least 60,000 years ago - this heritage to this day impressed by much. In addition, features a common origin of Europeans and West Asians from clear. The third pattern marks the East Asian, Australian and American indigenous peoples.
But as explained by today's diversity? Pritchard and his colleagues suspect that evolution plays in adjustment processes, each with a large number of genes, more precisely, that usually involve hundreds or even thousands of genes at a feature. The contribution of each gene can then be negligible. Already, scientists have identified 50 genetic factors for body size, and they expect a lot more.
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Philosophy: From the thinkers of the ivory tower
philosophers seek new answers to old questions of basic human / Scientific American twelve-part series starts
From: Scientific American, March 2011
What is man? Does he have free will? What is consciousness? What can we know? Can we understand others? What about the rights of man? What is justice? How language acts to think?
Many of the big questions of humanity have been raised by philosophers of antiquity. But in a world that is changing faster than ever before, is it to find new answers to these fundamental questions - and there are new ones arising from a present that is more complex, in the almost seven billion people the planet settle to be and have also competed in the science and technology with an unexpected triumph.
It should not really surprise that even philosophers respond to such signs of the times and look for new answers to fundamental questions of time and humanity. Why is the scientific spectrum is these issues in a twelve-part series - starting with the current March issue. Even in the first episode is about "Canned": "Who am I?" asks the philosopher of science, Albert Newen Bochum, who took over the scientific coordination of the whole series. And treated in the same issue of the Berlin philosopher Michael Pauen the issue of free will and speaks of a "question of self-determination." It seems that traditional philosophers leave their ivory tower and intensify its efforts to provide empirical evidence for their theories. Unless the signs deceive, it goes through this oldest academic discipline of the West now literally a change of thinking.
This is evident when you look at the situation out a few years ago before our eyes. Philosophy - that was considered by many as a discipline that is buried in historic questions of their own subjects, and among scientists, it was often the comment: "The philosophy that we need, we make ourselves" But evidently, times have changed. This was also the fact to do that now a younger generation has grown philosophers who take themselves and the world re-examined. And it is due to two changes: the triumph of analytical philosophy and the resulting internationalization of the tray and on a close alliance with the natural sciences. Apparently, now operated a philosophy that strives to "always at the height of the natural sciences" to act.
what is so new, the philosophy at length from a study of the history in the modern era of the 21 Century, catapulted? Albert Newen positioned not the philosophy (as before), but rather next to the other disciplines - with which we must cooperate. Moreover, the analytical philosophy of "the argumentative standard" of the subject raised significantly and established a unified form. It could certainly be different assumptions, "but only a form of reasoning".
Finally, aim, according to Newell, "other subjects as significant control and source of philosophical theory" be included, especially as the empirical sciences. Newell calls to step out on that point from the shadow of his father on Kant, with its outmoded self-image, "that philosophy is not one bit need to take care of empiricism and take care not to".
Fortunately, seems among philosophers such an attitude no longer a majority: In the entrance interview, the series from the March issue of spectrum speaks Julian Nida-Rümelin, currently president of the German Philosophical Society, by the new spirit that has engulfed his guild: 'Philosophy as a discipline is now less in the ivory tower than ever before. "
philosophers seek new answers to old questions of basic human / Scientific American twelve-part series starts
From: Scientific American, March 2011
What is man? Does he have free will? What is consciousness? What can we know? Can we understand others? What about the rights of man? What is justice? How language acts to think?
Many of the big questions of humanity have been raised by philosophers of antiquity. But in a world that is changing faster than ever before, is it to find new answers to these fundamental questions - and there are new ones arising from a present that is more complex, in the almost seven billion people the planet settle to be and have also competed in the science and technology with an unexpected triumph.
It should not really surprise that even philosophers respond to such signs of the times and look for new answers to fundamental questions of time and humanity. Why is the scientific spectrum is these issues in a twelve-part series - starting with the current March issue. Even in the first episode is about "Canned": "Who am I?" asks the philosopher of science, Albert Newen Bochum, who took over the scientific coordination of the whole series. And treated in the same issue of the Berlin philosopher Michael Pauen the issue of free will and speaks of a "question of self-determination." It seems that traditional philosophers leave their ivory tower and intensify its efforts to provide empirical evidence for their theories. Unless the signs deceive, it goes through this oldest academic discipline of the West now literally a change of thinking.
This is evident when you look at the situation out a few years ago before our eyes. Philosophy - that was considered by many as a discipline that is buried in historic questions of their own subjects, and among scientists, it was often the comment: "The philosophy that we need, we make ourselves" But evidently, times have changed. This was also the fact to do that now a younger generation has grown philosophers who take themselves and the world re-examined. And it is due to two changes: the triumph of analytical philosophy and the resulting internationalization of the tray and on a close alliance with the natural sciences. Apparently, now operated a philosophy that strives to "always at the height of the natural sciences" to act.
what is so new, the philosophy at length from a study of the history in the modern era of the 21 Century, catapulted? Albert Newen positioned not the philosophy (as before), but rather next to the other disciplines - with which we must cooperate. Moreover, the analytical philosophy of "the argumentative standard" of the subject raised significantly and established a unified form. It could certainly be different assumptions, "but only a form of reasoning".
Finally, aim, according to Newell, "other subjects as significant control and source of philosophical theory" be included, especially as the empirical sciences. Newell calls to step out on that point from the shadow of his father on Kant, with its outmoded self-image, "that philosophy is not one bit need to take care of empiricism and take care not to".
Fortunately, seems among philosophers such an attitude no longer a majority: In the entrance interview, the series from the March issue of spectrum speaks Julian Nida-Rümelin, currently president of the German Philosophical Society, by the new spirit that has engulfed his guild: 'Philosophy as a discipline is now less in the ivory tower than ever before. "
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The Chinese Dietfurt
Since 19 Apply Dietfurter century as the "Chinese Bavaria". Next Thursday (3rd 3rd 2011) experienced visitors to the Upper Palatinate city, why that is.
Kiliwau: In the Upper Palatinate Dietfurt rises once a year, some other carnival celebrations. There is an old tradition for the colorful celebration in Chinese hands. Photo: obx-news '
Dietfurt (obx - internet-newspaper) - Once a year reign in the Upper Palatinate Dietfurt the Chinese: From City Hall to chair the garbage disposal, from restaurants to supermarkets - everything is firmly in Chinese hands. Every last Thursday of the carnival season, the city "Bavaria China Town" is. Dietfurt citizens, whether large or small hatch in Chinese costume, the Chinese put braids in her hair and yellow skin with drugstore makeup is booming. A curiosity in Bavaria - the Chinese Carnival in Dietfurt. Thousands of visitors from all over Germany will again this year on 3 March, the Chinese invasion in the Bavarian heartland not miss out.
An anecdote tells the origin of the mad bustle, which brought the Dietfurt the title of "Bayerische Chinese." According to some point in the history of the city tax collector of the bishop have traveled to the town to collect higher taxes. The news came from the visit but before the tax collector in the city. Citizens barricaded the gates and the envoy of the Bishop had to pull off without money. He then told his bishop: the hidden behind their wall like the Chinese.
"Whether it's true, nobody knows," said Anton Huber stream from the tourist office, which also manages the flow of Chinese-carnival. Guarantees is a calendar of 1860 and a research paper from 1869, where, even then the Dietfurter called Chinese and a Chinese neighborhood are talking about. "The foundation for the carnival tradition but has been put until 1928, when the town band appeared first time in Chinese robes," says Bachhuber.
Quick's reputation has drawn from the Chinese-carnival-wide circles across Bavaria and throughout Germany. "Diplomatic delegations" of carnival strongholds from the whole country to be part of the proclamation of the Emperor Ko-Di-Houang and then accompanied by the many-voiced "Kiliwau" in the streets celebrating.
begin the journey together the Dietfurter faraway China at the "madman Thursday" very early on: From 2 clock in the morning announced the resounding wake-up call of a 30-strong crowd on their train back and forth across the city to the start of the "Chinese National Day" in the Upper Palatinate town. "There's raises each of the bed," says organizer Anton Bachhuber.
expect about 15,000 people, the organizers, when over 13 clock on the stage directly in the town square actors and visitors eagerly awaiting the climax: the legendary Chinese masque, in which time this year come alive to 13.61 Clock (also Clock 14.01), about 50 groups and many Chinese incarnate for a short time, "Chinatown" in the heart of Bavaria.
Since 19 Apply Dietfurter century as the "Chinese Bavaria". Next Thursday (3rd 3rd 2011) experienced visitors to the Upper Palatinate city, why that is.

Kiliwau: In the Upper Palatinate Dietfurt rises once a year, some other carnival celebrations. There is an old tradition for the colorful celebration in Chinese hands. Photo: obx-news '
Dietfurt (obx - internet-newspaper) - Once a year reign in the Upper Palatinate Dietfurt the Chinese: From City Hall to chair the garbage disposal, from restaurants to supermarkets - everything is firmly in Chinese hands. Every last Thursday of the carnival season, the city "Bavaria China Town" is. Dietfurt citizens, whether large or small hatch in Chinese costume, the Chinese put braids in her hair and yellow skin with drugstore makeup is booming. A curiosity in Bavaria - the Chinese Carnival in Dietfurt. Thousands of visitors from all over Germany will again this year on 3 March, the Chinese invasion in the Bavarian heartland not miss out.
An anecdote tells the origin of the mad bustle, which brought the Dietfurt the title of "Bayerische Chinese." According to some point in the history of the city tax collector of the bishop have traveled to the town to collect higher taxes. The news came from the visit but before the tax collector in the city. Citizens barricaded the gates and the envoy of the Bishop had to pull off without money. He then told his bishop: the hidden behind their wall like the Chinese.
"Whether it's true, nobody knows," said Anton Huber stream from the tourist office, which also manages the flow of Chinese-carnival. Guarantees is a calendar of 1860 and a research paper from 1869, where, even then the Dietfurter called Chinese and a Chinese neighborhood are talking about. "The foundation for the carnival tradition but has been put until 1928, when the town band appeared first time in Chinese robes," says Bachhuber.
Quick's reputation has drawn from the Chinese-carnival-wide circles across Bavaria and throughout Germany. "Diplomatic delegations" of carnival strongholds from the whole country to be part of the proclamation of the Emperor Ko-Di-Houang and then accompanied by the many-voiced "Kiliwau" in the streets celebrating.
begin the journey together the Dietfurter faraway China at the "madman Thursday" very early on: From 2 clock in the morning announced the resounding wake-up call of a 30-strong crowd on their train back and forth across the city to the start of the "Chinese National Day" in the Upper Palatinate town. "There's raises each of the bed," says organizer Anton Bachhuber.
expect about 15,000 people, the organizers, when over 13 clock on the stage directly in the town square actors and visitors eagerly awaiting the climax: the legendary Chinese masque, in which time this year come alive to 13.61 Clock (also Clock 14.01), about 50 groups and many Chinese incarnate for a short time, "Chinatown" in the heart of Bavaria.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Video: To the limits of the universe
A fascinating documentary, which you can see here on YouTube - one and a half hours:
A fascinating documentary, which you can see here on YouTube - one and a half hours:
Monday, February 21, 2011
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conquer reading and missed: "Channel autorinamstadt"
Mellrichstadt (internet newspaper) - The "Channel autorinamstadt" the poet Sylvia Amstadt from Mellrichstadt in Bavaria on the video sharing "YouTube" is represented. The reading, hearing and must-see video of the young poet is at the address found on the Internet. Who want to know more about Sylvia Amstadt and their works, which is their website highly recommended.
And that says Sylvia Amstadt about:
I am writer with heart and mind. I write poetry and lyrics. My main issues here are our society and current events. My first book
Capital Wor (l) ds: Society appeared limited hope
in August 2009 when novelty per publisher.
ISBN: 978-3-85022-869-5
order at Amazon: C3% A4nkter-Hoffnung/dp/385022869X/ref = sr_1_1 ? ie = UTF8 & s = books & qid = 1298317505 & sr = 8-1
In the "Favorites" in my videos you'll find the music that accompanies me while writing ...
I wish you much fun on my channel!
My Website:
Mellrichstadt (internet newspaper) - The "Channel autorinamstadt" the poet Sylvia Amstadt from Mellrichstadt in Bavaria on the video sharing "YouTube" is represented. The reading, hearing and must-see video of the young poet is at the address found on the Internet. Who want to know more about Sylvia Amstadt and their works, which is their website highly recommended.
And that says Sylvia Amstadt about:
I am writer with heart and mind. I write poetry and lyrics. My main issues here are our society and current events. My first book
Capital Wor (l) ds: Society appeared limited hope
in August 2009 when novelty per publisher.
ISBN: 978-3-85022-869-5
order at Amazon: C3% A4nkter-Hoffnung/dp/385022869X/ref = sr_1_1 ? ie = UTF8 & s = books & qid = 1298317505 & sr = 8-1
In the "Favorites" in my videos you'll find the music that accompanies me while writing ...
I wish you much fun on my channel!
My Website:
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model for Germany: avoid illness with health traffic light
the Eastern Bavarian spa Bad Fussing and Ismaning, the practice partner for a system developed by the Technical University of Munich model proactive health care
München / Bad Fussing (otx - internet-newspaper) - Eight million diabetics, 30 million overweight and 250,000 heart attacks per year in Germany - many of these Diseases may by timely changes in lifestyle can be avoided. A Germany-wide unique model project is now opening up new opportunities for effective prevention. The concept for this "Individual Health Management (IGM) was by the Competence Centre for complementary medicine and naturopathy (KoKoNat) at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich developed. Major partners in addition to others: the Eastern Bavarian spas Bad Fussing, Miami Beach and the University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf.
The focus of Germany's unique project, the prevention of diseases and active health promotion, especially the motivation of each individual for a healthier life in everyday life. "Many so-called lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stress damages could be prevented by changes in lifestyle. Enormous cost to the healthcare system may be avoided, "said project leader Professor Dieter Melchert.
In addition to spas doctors and hospitals in the new IGM-integrated health network. "For Bad Fussing IGM another opportunity for our guests effective health care and prevention services to offer for active disease prevention," says spa director Füssing Bad Rudolf Weinberger. The recommendations and the concept of this new Lifestyle training could be seamlessly integrated into the courses and training programs include integrated, the Bad Fussing already exist widely.
focus of the cooperation project is an Internet platform, in which participants enter data such as blood pressure, waist circumference and weight and other data such as to pre-existing conditions. The following is the best case, a 7-day self-monitoring program on behaviors in daily life. A health traffic light signals to the user's individual risk and then risk factor for various diseases. When the health of the website traffic light yellow or even red indicates the person receives individual training plans created especially for him, in the normal course of the day can be integrated. The program is supplemented by medical tests and telephone consultations with doctors.
"The important thing is to reach people not only when they are sick. You should be able to integrate health promotion activities at an early stage in their life and work environments, "said Professor Dieter Melchert of the Technical University of Munich. IGM with modern, networked health promotion stand in the future not only in large cities. In the country, anyone can do it without long journey actively and precisely something for health. The program is also an excellent tool for getting into the occupational health care.
IGM will also bring scientists new insights for the future even more effective disease prevention. The data of program participants from the various centers of competence center for complementary medicine and natural medicine scientifically evaluated, where they converge anonymous. Based on the information you want the doctors to operate a long-term and broad-based lifestyle research for which there are many possible applications.
the Eastern Bavarian spa Bad Fussing and Ismaning, the practice partner for a system developed by the Technical University of Munich model proactive health care
München / Bad Fussing (otx - internet-newspaper) - Eight million diabetics, 30 million overweight and 250,000 heart attacks per year in Germany - many of these Diseases may by timely changes in lifestyle can be avoided. A Germany-wide unique model project is now opening up new opportunities for effective prevention. The concept for this "Individual Health Management (IGM) was by the Competence Centre for complementary medicine and naturopathy (KoKoNat) at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich developed. Major partners in addition to others: the Eastern Bavarian spas Bad Fussing, Miami Beach and the University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf.
The focus of Germany's unique project, the prevention of diseases and active health promotion, especially the motivation of each individual for a healthier life in everyday life. "Many so-called lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stress damages could be prevented by changes in lifestyle. Enormous cost to the healthcare system may be avoided, "said project leader Professor Dieter Melchert.
In addition to spas doctors and hospitals in the new IGM-integrated health network. "For Bad Fussing IGM another opportunity for our guests effective health care and prevention services to offer for active disease prevention," says spa director Füssing Bad Rudolf Weinberger. The recommendations and the concept of this new Lifestyle training could be seamlessly integrated into the courses and training programs include integrated, the Bad Fussing already exist widely.
focus of the cooperation project is an Internet platform, in which participants enter data such as blood pressure, waist circumference and weight and other data such as to pre-existing conditions. The following is the best case, a 7-day self-monitoring program on behaviors in daily life. A health traffic light signals to the user's individual risk and then risk factor for various diseases. When the health of the website traffic light yellow or even red indicates the person receives individual training plans created especially for him, in the normal course of the day can be integrated. The program is supplemented by medical tests and telephone consultations with doctors.
"The important thing is to reach people not only when they are sick. You should be able to integrate health promotion activities at an early stage in their life and work environments, "said Professor Dieter Melchert of the Technical University of Munich. IGM with modern, networked health promotion stand in the future not only in large cities. In the country, anyone can do it without long journey actively and precisely something for health. The program is also an excellent tool for getting into the occupational health care.
IGM will also bring scientists new insights for the future even more effective disease prevention. The data of program participants from the various centers of competence center for complementary medicine and natural medicine scientifically evaluated, where they converge anonymous. Based on the information you want the doctors to operate a long-term and broad-based lifestyle research for which there are many possible applications.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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Putzige pests on the Danube
beaver - Photo: obx
Regensburg (obx - internet-newspaper) - They look really cute, but cause along the Bavarian rivers - especially on the banks of the Danube in eastern Bavaria - increased damage: the beaver. 120 of these large rodents were in the 1960s and 1970s, he exposed years ago as part of the overall restoration efforts in Bavaria. Today, experts estimate that cavort already back at least 14,000 of the chubby rodents along the banks in the state. cases, especially on the Danube between Regensburg and Passau, the beaver bank trees in series. Protective wire mesh around the trees often have no effect. The Bavarian state government has therefore now the fund for beaver damage increased to 350,000 €. A totally inadequate sum, given the dimension of the plague to say, many East Bavarian politicians and representatives of farmers.

beaver - Photo: obx
Regensburg (obx - internet-newspaper) - They look really cute, but cause along the Bavarian rivers - especially on the banks of the Danube in eastern Bavaria - increased damage: the beaver. 120 of these large rodents were in the 1960s and 1970s, he exposed years ago as part of the overall restoration efforts in Bavaria. Today, experts estimate that cavort already back at least 14,000 of the chubby rodents along the banks in the state. cases, especially on the Danube between Regensburg and Passau, the beaver bank trees in series. Protective wire mesh around the trees often have no effect. The Bavarian state government has therefore now the fund for beaver damage increased to 350,000 €. A totally inadequate sum, given the dimension of the plague to say, many East Bavarian politicians and representatives of farmers.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Images Of Tropical House Exteriors
fascinated by super women
Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst wrote many pocket books on famous women
Munich / Wiesbaden (internet-newspaper) - From the lives of famous women fascinates the Wiesbaden journalist and author Ernst Probst. For this reason, he has many pocket books, brochures and e-books with Biographies of so-called super women published. These titles are printed as paperback books and brochures as well as e-books in PDF format at "GRIN for academic texts" (Munich) available at the address and many other online book stores . The printed pocket books can be ordered in any good bookstore.
done it particularly Ernst Probst have inner daredevil aviator, balloonist inner, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut. With these super women he dealt in his pocket queens of the skies books from A to Z, queens of the skies in Germany, three Queens of the skies in England (along with Joseph Eimannsberger), queens of the skies in France, queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, women in space.
One tragic heroine flying from Germany dedicated Ernst Probst, together with the aviation historian Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn even a book titled "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria. " Brochures Probst wrote about the female pilots Melli Beese, Elly Beinhorn, Marga of Etzdorf, Thea Knorr, Angela Machinek, Thea Rasche, Hanna Reitsch, Lisl Schwab, Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg and Beate Uhse.
More songs about famous women written by Ernst Probst are: Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Hildegard of Bingen. The German prophetess, super women from the Wild West, Elizabeth Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, queens of the dance, painting super women.
Back in 2001, Ernst Probst 14 paperbacks on super women from history, religion, politics, economy and transport, science, medicine, film and theater, literature, painting and photography, music and dance, feminism and family, sports, Fashion and beauty, media releases and astrology. Some of these items are still available in stores.
, from people who do not know him properly, Ernst Probst is sometimes put as a dinosaur-author in a drawer. In fact, he has published some titles of these "terrible lizards" in Germany as dinosaurs, dinosaurs in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Lower Saxony in dinosaurs, dinosaurs from A to K, dinosaurs from M to Z, predatory dinosaurs from A to Z. But
Ernst Probst also wrote books such as Germany in the primitive times, Germany in the Stone Age, Germany in the Bronze Age, the prehistoric records, records of early man, Archaeopteryx. The first bird from Bavaria, The Ur-Rhine, saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine, the great apes at the Ur-Rhine, claws animals at Ur-Rhein, The Rhine-elephant, Germany during the ice age, The Mosbacher lion, cave lions, saber-toothed cats, the cave bear. Little is known
that Ernst Probst has a penchant for aphorism. Together with his wife Doris Probst gave the paperbacks, the ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football and words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media out. He recently published a paperback book called Silence is not always gold with 500 of our own quotes.
Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst wrote many pocket books on famous women
Munich / Wiesbaden (internet-newspaper) - From the lives of famous women fascinates the Wiesbaden journalist and author Ernst Probst. For this reason, he has many pocket books, brochures and e-books with Biographies of so-called super women published. These titles are printed as paperback books and brochures as well as e-books in PDF format at "GRIN for academic texts" (Munich) available at the address and many other online book stores . The printed pocket books can be ordered in any good bookstore.
done it particularly Ernst Probst have inner daredevil aviator, balloonist inner, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut. With these super women he dealt in his pocket queens of the skies books from A to Z, queens of the skies in Germany, three Queens of the skies in England (along with Joseph Eimannsberger), queens of the skies in France, queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, women in space.
One tragic heroine flying from Germany dedicated Ernst Probst, together with the aviation historian Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn even a book titled "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria. " Brochures Probst wrote about the female pilots Melli Beese, Elly Beinhorn, Marga of Etzdorf, Thea Knorr, Angela Machinek, Thea Rasche, Hanna Reitsch, Lisl Schwab, Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg and Beate Uhse.
More songs about famous women written by Ernst Probst are: Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Hildegard of Bingen. The German prophetess, super women from the Wild West, Elizabeth Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, queens of the dance, painting super women.
Back in 2001, Ernst Probst 14 paperbacks on super women from history, religion, politics, economy and transport, science, medicine, film and theater, literature, painting and photography, music and dance, feminism and family, sports, Fashion and beauty, media releases and astrology. Some of these items are still available in stores.
, from people who do not know him properly, Ernst Probst is sometimes put as a dinosaur-author in a drawer. In fact, he has published some titles of these "terrible lizards" in Germany as dinosaurs, dinosaurs in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Lower Saxony in dinosaurs, dinosaurs from A to K, dinosaurs from M to Z, predatory dinosaurs from A to Z. But
Ernst Probst also wrote books such as Germany in the primitive times, Germany in the Stone Age, Germany in the Bronze Age, the prehistoric records, records of early man, Archaeopteryx. The first bird from Bavaria, The Ur-Rhine, saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine, the great apes at the Ur-Rhine, claws animals at Ur-Rhein, The Rhine-elephant, Germany during the ice age, The Mosbacher lion, cave lions, saber-toothed cats, the cave bear. Little is known
that Ernst Probst has a penchant for aphorism. Together with his wife Doris Probst gave the paperbacks, the ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football and words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media out. He recently published a paperback book called Silence is not always gold with 500 of our own quotes.
Krusteaz Crepe Batter
storage and data hungry
200 gigabytes successfully secured . That was yesterday my success message for successful data backup. Despite well-known sayings like " backup? Did not I necessary , "was once again an appropriate action necessary to preserve the data of previous years and once again ask the question, what you have there actually collected in the years to bits. No idea! But surely you would a file just then need if they are finally extinguished, the phenomenon is well known in other areas of everyday life A file folder is transferred to the waste paper and the next day be used exactly these documents at least, the photos I could after that backup drive structure something...: With the Google program Picasa the imagery was processed relatively quickly. Even the test with the (new) face recognition the program was a success - albeit a bit frightening to observe how the software identifies friends and family with an astonishingly high success rate.
The review of the past decades can also think of the first storage media. How happy I was when I finally had to floppy disks (5.25''of course) my first hard disk. The above-illustrated external hard drive (with its own power supply) had the incredible storage capacity of 20 MB! Yes, dear children, so that we could have played just 15 MP3 songs. I never got it fully. At that time, was expected even in KBs.
of the space in recent years exploded is not a secret. Customers 1and1 away at an online storage of 1000 GB and even the free service dropbox have 2 GB.
researchers at the University of Southern California have added up the total storage capacity worldwide. Your estimate amounts to 295 exabytes. Included were all media, from USB drives and CDs on credit cards, video cassettes and printed books to the Babylonian clay tablet. Quick thought: 1000 GB account for a 1 terabyte, which is already moved into the realm of possibility for the individual computer user. 1000 TB will be a thousand to one petabyte and finally become a more PB EB - an Exabyte. Or - for the mathematicians - an exabyte is 10 18 bytes or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes . I counted the zeros.
All is read in the University of Southern California. But you have to take a restriction: The scientists also place a further point of comparison before - the amount of memory that contains the DNA of all people put together. This stored genetic material is still a hundred times as great as the sum of all man-made memory means.
Here's a video from How much information can store the world communicate, and compute? with the scientist Martin Hilbert:
How much information can store the world communicate, and compute? from SCVideos on Vimeo .
The review of the past decades can also think of the first storage media. How happy I was when I finally had to floppy disks (5.25''of course) my first hard disk. The above-illustrated external hard drive (with its own power supply) had the incredible storage capacity of 20 MB! Yes, dear children, so that we could have played just 15 MP3 songs. I never got it fully. At that time, was expected even in KBs.
of the space in recent years exploded is not a secret. Customers 1and1 away at an online storage of 1000 GB and even the free service dropbox have 2 GB.
researchers at the University of Southern California have added up the total storage capacity worldwide. Your estimate amounts to 295 exabytes. Included were all media, from USB drives and CDs on credit cards, video cassettes and printed books to the Babylonian clay tablet. Quick thought: 1000 GB account for a 1 terabyte, which is already moved into the realm of possibility for the individual computer user. 1000 TB will be a thousand to one petabyte and finally become a more PB EB - an Exabyte. Or - for the mathematicians - an exabyte is 10 18 bytes or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes . I counted the zeros.
All is read in the University of Southern California. But you have to take a restriction: The scientists also place a further point of comparison before - the amount of memory that contains the DNA of all people put together. This stored genetic material is still a hundred times as great as the sum of all man-made memory means.
Here's a video from How much information can store the world communicate, and compute? with the scientist Martin Hilbert:
How much information can store the world communicate, and compute? from SCVideos on Vimeo .
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Human Hair Half Wig Curly
"networks - the organization of the future?"
Hamburg (internet newspaper) - On Thursday, 12 May 2011, invites the consulting and training company ChangePartner AG and potential customers for their annual forum in the Abacco hotel in Korntal-Münchingen one. The theme: "networks - the organization of the future"
Given the rapidly changing and more complex tasks to be solved through "festverknotete and hierarchical corporate structures to not more successful is the answer for the future in growing into a Project & flexible network organization. Successful organizational development of the individual expected out of the intelligence team through to the design of networks.
At the Customer Forum Participants first a presentation by Klaus-Peter Esser, Managing Partner of ChangePartner AG, is about working on the network and a new study of ChangePartner AG that provides information on the necessary development of the previously lived values and the consequences on the management and work culture. Then an example in point: Walter Streit, CEO of Audi Electronics Venture GmbH and responsible for the strategic development of the 'Development Electrical and electronics ", the success factors of an innovation network management provides an example from your own company.
The conclusion is an interactive presentation from the world of brain research: Given the fact that the best example of a network organization is the human brain - in this case may link neurons in the nature of a network with one another as people in network organizations to address the principle of "intelligence of crowds" to complex tasks efficiently - said André Gerhard, memory and creativity coach for executives, such as training one's memory performance through networking and transfer the technology into practice,.
"networks - the organization of the future?"
Thursday 12 May 2011
Start: 16.00 clock (welcome coffee from 15.30 clock)
end: 20.00 clock (with followed by a finale with finger food)
Price: 89 €, plus 19% VAT (includes participation, conference materials, welcome coffee and finger food)
Venue: Abacco hotel in Korntal-Münchingen, Siemens Straße 50, 70825 Korntal-Münchingen, Tel: (+ 49) 7150/13-0 Fax: (+49) 7150/13-266
To register by 20/04/2011 will be asked to
more information: Contact for the reader
ChangePartner AG
24 D-22609 Hamburg
Tel / Fax: +49 (0) 700-70 70 60 10
contact the editors
Silvia Leitel
128-130 D-22869 Schenefeld
Tel +49 (0) 40-840 55 92-20
Fax +49 (0) 40-840 55 92 -29
Hamburg (internet newspaper) - On Thursday, 12 May 2011, invites the consulting and training company ChangePartner AG and potential customers for their annual forum in the Abacco hotel in Korntal-Münchingen one. The theme: "networks - the organization of the future"
Given the rapidly changing and more complex tasks to be solved through "festverknotete and hierarchical corporate structures to not more successful is the answer for the future in growing into a Project & flexible network organization. Successful organizational development of the individual expected out of the intelligence team through to the design of networks.
At the Customer Forum Participants first a presentation by Klaus-Peter Esser, Managing Partner of ChangePartner AG, is about working on the network and a new study of ChangePartner AG that provides information on the necessary development of the previously lived values and the consequences on the management and work culture. Then an example in point: Walter Streit, CEO of Audi Electronics Venture GmbH and responsible for the strategic development of the 'Development Electrical and electronics ", the success factors of an innovation network management provides an example from your own company.
The conclusion is an interactive presentation from the world of brain research: Given the fact that the best example of a network organization is the human brain - in this case may link neurons in the nature of a network with one another as people in network organizations to address the principle of "intelligence of crowds" to complex tasks efficiently - said André Gerhard, memory and creativity coach for executives, such as training one's memory performance through networking and transfer the technology into practice,.
"networks - the organization of the future?"
Thursday 12 May 2011
Start: 16.00 clock (welcome coffee from 15.30 clock)
end: 20.00 clock (with followed by a finale with finger food)
Price: 89 €, plus 19% VAT (includes participation, conference materials, welcome coffee and finger food)
Venue: Abacco hotel in Korntal-Münchingen, Siemens Straße 50, 70825 Korntal-Münchingen, Tel: (+ 49) 7150/13-0 Fax: (+49) 7150/13-266
To register by 20/04/2011 will be asked to
more information: Contact for the reader
ChangePartner AG
24 D-22609 Hamburg
Tel / Fax: +49 (0) 700-70 70 60 10
contact the editors
Silvia Leitel
128-130 D-22869 Schenefeld
Tel +49 (0) 40-840 55 92-20
Fax +49 (0) 40-840 55 92 -29
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Can You Wax At Home If You Have Genital Warts
supernovae and cosmic gamma-ray bursts
The explosive phenomena in the sky are becoming more diverse '
From: Stars and Space, March 2011
When stars end as supernovae, they release a few seconds as much energy as the sun in five billion years of their previous existence. Where does this enormous amount of energy? How are the explosions inside the star from them and how the energy released is emitted to the environment? These burning questions examined during the current research.
systematically comb through the sky, astronomers searching for supernovae, the explosive, highly luminous phenomena, which stars end up with their many millions of years continued peaceful development. They are still discovering new mechanisms, such as stars can die as supernovae. The explosive phenomena appear to be unexpectedly diverse. The new findings bring great challenges to current theoretical models with it.
In some cases, the explosion energy even ten to hundred times high as normal, sometimes accompanied by an enormous luminous flash, which alone can already contain all the energy of an ordinary supernova. Since the radiation of high energy bursts in the gamma range, say the astronomers of GRB-supernovae. About these and other unexpected observations report Hans-Thomas Janka, Sylvio Klose and Friedrich Röpke in the March issue of "Stars and Space". Janka and Röpke work at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Klose research at the Thuringian State Observatory. The three authors devoted years of research of supernovae and their manifestations.
supernovae are much more than distant, exotic phenomena in the sky. Without them there would be no rocky planets like our Earth still known vertebrates or even humans. While the bright and energetic explosions hurled with tremendous force matter into the surrounding space. In this case, the distribution of stellar evolution hatched during heavy chemical elements in the universe - including the iron, which is part of our red blood cells, and helps to transport the vital oxygen from the lungs to all organs.
More and more types of stars seem to threaten an end to their existence as a supernova. In many cases, becoming in the course of stellar evolution, the gravitational energy of the upper hand, so the star collapses into itself. To suffering such gravitational collapse, a star must be very massive and combine at least eight to ten solar masses in itself. This may involve a compact object with extremely high density, such as a neutron star or a black hole. For massive stars run from the development of star formation to supernova very quickly. Why are gravitational collapse supernovae only in young stars before.
in the remains of some historical supernovae in our galaxy, but there are no compact remnant of a dead star. It must therefore still be a fundamentally different mechanism in which no compact object is created, and which is found in old stellar populations. In these cases is not enough energy from gravity, but is released by the atomic nuclei of the star fuse together, and almost all within a few seconds. Such supernovae, in which the entire star is disrupted, can be seen for example in white dwarfs in close binary systems. White dwarfs are remnants of old less massive stars, only about as big as Earth, but as massive as the sun.
The authors Hans-Thomas Janka, Sylvio Klose and Friedrich Röpke cars in the March edition of "Stars and Space", a classification of all known supernova types, which also includes new forms as the singular "Hypernova." In such explosions is the speed of the ejected gas is extremely high and the explosion energy fifty times higher than in normal supernovae. In some cases, such "Hypernova" seen in connection with GRBs.
The explosive phenomena in the sky are becoming more diverse '
From: Stars and Space, March 2011
When stars end as supernovae, they release a few seconds as much energy as the sun in five billion years of their previous existence. Where does this enormous amount of energy? How are the explosions inside the star from them and how the energy released is emitted to the environment? These burning questions examined during the current research.
systematically comb through the sky, astronomers searching for supernovae, the explosive, highly luminous phenomena, which stars end up with their many millions of years continued peaceful development. They are still discovering new mechanisms, such as stars can die as supernovae. The explosive phenomena appear to be unexpectedly diverse. The new findings bring great challenges to current theoretical models with it.
In some cases, the explosion energy even ten to hundred times high as normal, sometimes accompanied by an enormous luminous flash, which alone can already contain all the energy of an ordinary supernova. Since the radiation of high energy bursts in the gamma range, say the astronomers of GRB-supernovae. About these and other unexpected observations report Hans-Thomas Janka, Sylvio Klose and Friedrich Röpke in the March issue of "Stars and Space". Janka and Röpke work at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Klose research at the Thuringian State Observatory. The three authors devoted years of research of supernovae and their manifestations.
supernovae are much more than distant, exotic phenomena in the sky. Without them there would be no rocky planets like our Earth still known vertebrates or even humans. While the bright and energetic explosions hurled with tremendous force matter into the surrounding space. In this case, the distribution of stellar evolution hatched during heavy chemical elements in the universe - including the iron, which is part of our red blood cells, and helps to transport the vital oxygen from the lungs to all organs.
More and more types of stars seem to threaten an end to their existence as a supernova. In many cases, becoming in the course of stellar evolution, the gravitational energy of the upper hand, so the star collapses into itself. To suffering such gravitational collapse, a star must be very massive and combine at least eight to ten solar masses in itself. This may involve a compact object with extremely high density, such as a neutron star or a black hole. For massive stars run from the development of star formation to supernova very quickly. Why are gravitational collapse supernovae only in young stars before.
in the remains of some historical supernovae in our galaxy, but there are no compact remnant of a dead star. It must therefore still be a fundamentally different mechanism in which no compact object is created, and which is found in old stellar populations. In these cases is not enough energy from gravity, but is released by the atomic nuclei of the star fuse together, and almost all within a few seconds. Such supernovae, in which the entire star is disrupted, can be seen for example in white dwarfs in close binary systems. White dwarfs are remnants of old less massive stars, only about as big as Earth, but as massive as the sun.
The authors Hans-Thomas Janka, Sylvio Klose and Friedrich Röpke cars in the March edition of "Stars and Space", a classification of all known supernova types, which also includes new forms as the singular "Hypernova." In such explosions is the speed of the ejected gas is extremely high and the explosion energy fifty times higher than in normal supernovae. In some cases, such "Hypernova" seen in connection with GRBs.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
How Do You Watch Movies With A Bluetooth Headset
online video recorder as an alternative
Wiesbaden (TV-in-internet) - Whether you are the weekly blockbuster, every Sunday, or the crime scene the night-time broadcast controversial document, the transmission times of the television stations are often not compatible with your own rhythm of life. Leisure or sleep need push the TV experience is often "a stop to." VCR create this dilemma now for several decades remedy. The times of the analog VHS tape, however, are already long gone. DVD and hard disk recorders have replaced the conventional technique, however, pose another problem in itself, because this recording devices are becoming the increasingly rapid technological progress and thus become obsolete very quickly.
online video recorder as an alternative
Who does not want to constantly purchasing new and expensive place, for several years in online video recorders, a welcome alternative. The provider of self-care this is the currency of technology and recording formats. Also provide the operator clear and well-structured electronic TV guide that help create the images can be quickly and easily. The recordings can download the user whenever he wants. Thus are not free online video recorder for the motto: "Be your own program director. miss TV shows was yesterday! "
to the various providers of online video recorders There are many comparison sites on the Internet, such as . These take a closer look at several providers. In the selection of the provider should Interested note in particular the following three criteria:
- Channel number
- capacity
- can record quality
The current industry leader Save.TV points in all the selection criteria and currently offers 46 channels, on demand unlimited recording quality and a recording format on the DVD quality is. Other prominent vendors are BONG TV and Shift.TV. Both services could, in terms of features, not quite compete with Save.TV. Each of the vendors mentioned here provides interested parties who want to convince yourself the opportunity to free product testing.
Related links: TV
Wiesbaden (TV-in-internet) - Whether you are the weekly blockbuster, every Sunday, or the crime scene the night-time broadcast controversial document, the transmission times of the television stations are often not compatible with your own rhythm of life. Leisure or sleep need push the TV experience is often "a stop to." VCR create this dilemma now for several decades remedy. The times of the analog VHS tape, however, are already long gone. DVD and hard disk recorders have replaced the conventional technique, however, pose another problem in itself, because this recording devices are becoming the increasingly rapid technological progress and thus become obsolete very quickly.
online video recorder as an alternative
Who does not want to constantly purchasing new and expensive place, for several years in online video recorders, a welcome alternative. The provider of self-care this is the currency of technology and recording formats. Also provide the operator clear and well-structured electronic TV guide that help create the images can be quickly and easily. The recordings can download the user whenever he wants. Thus are not free online video recorder for the motto: "Be your own program director. miss TV shows was yesterday! "
to the various providers of online video recorders There are many comparison sites on the Internet, such as . These take a closer look at several providers. In the selection of the provider should Interested note in particular the following three criteria:
- Channel number
- capacity
- can record quality
The current industry leader Save.TV points in all the selection criteria and currently offers 46 channels, on demand unlimited recording quality and a recording format on the DVD quality is. Other prominent vendors are BONG TV and Shift.TV. Both services could, in terms of features, not quite compete with Save.TV. Each of the vendors mentioned here provides interested parties who want to convince yourself the opportunity to free product testing.
Related links: TV
120-55 Queens Blvd,ny
online video recorder as an alternative
Wiesbaden (internet-newspaper) - Whether you are the weekly blockbuster, every Sunday, or the crime scene the night-time broadcast controversial document, the transmission times of the television stations are often not compatible with your own rhythm of life. Leisure or sleep need push the TV experience is often "a stop to." VCR create this dilemma now for several decades remedy. The times of analog VHS tape, however, are already long gone. DVD and hard disk recorders have replaced the conventional technique, however, pose another problem in itself, because this recording devices are becoming the increasingly rapid technological progress and thus become obsolete very quickly.
online video recorder as an alternative
Who does not want to constantly purchasing new and expensive place, for several years in online video recorders, a welcome alternative. The provider of self-care this is the currency of technology and recording formats. Also provide the operator clear and well-structured electronic TV guide with the help of the recordings quickly and easily can be created. The recordings can download the user whenever he wants. Thus are not free online video recorder for the motto: "Be your own program director. miss TV shows was yesterday! "
to the various providers of online video recorders, there are many comparison sites on the Internet, such as . These take a closer look at several providers. In the selection of the provider should note in particular interested in the following three criteria:
- can record quality
The current industry leader
- Channel number - capacity in all the selection criteria points and currently offers 46 channels, on demand unlimited recording quality and recording format that DVD quality is. Other prominent vendors are BONG TV and Shift.TV. Both services could, in terms of features, not quite compete with Save.TV. Each of the vendors mentioned here provides interested parties who want to convince yourself the opportunity to free product testing.
Related links:
Wiesbaden (internet-newspaper) - Whether you are the weekly blockbuster, every Sunday, or the crime scene the night-time broadcast controversial document, the transmission times of the television stations are often not compatible with your own rhythm of life. Leisure or sleep need push the TV experience is often "a stop to." VCR create this dilemma now for several decades remedy. The times of analog VHS tape, however, are already long gone. DVD and hard disk recorders have replaced the conventional technique, however, pose another problem in itself, because this recording devices are becoming the increasingly rapid technological progress and thus become obsolete very quickly.
online video recorder as an alternative
Who does not want to constantly purchasing new and expensive place, for several years in online video recorders, a welcome alternative. The provider of self-care this is the currency of technology and recording formats. Also provide the operator clear and well-structured electronic TV guide with the help of the recordings quickly and easily can be created. The recordings can download the user whenever he wants. Thus are not free online video recorder for the motto: "Be your own program director. miss TV shows was yesterday! "
to the various providers of online video recorders, there are many comparison sites on the Internet, such as . These take a closer look at several providers. In the selection of the provider should note in particular interested in the following three criteria:
- can record quality
The current industry leader
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