Darmstadt (internet newspaper) - One of the greats in the world of zoology and paleontology was still young in the 19 Century was the Darmstadt naturalist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873). And even though he had studied only two terms and was actually almost a self-taught, so one who acquired his knowledge through self education. For most of his life, namely from 1828 to 1873, he worked on "Natural History Cabinet" of the "Grand Ducal Museum in Darmstadt, a predecessor of today's" Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Kaup examined several of today's insects, Fish and birds and extinct animals, described it as a scientific first, and gave them a name that is often true today. He acquired special merits for the study of animal life at great-Rheinhessen Rhine in the Upper Miocene, about ten million years ago. From his research industry for more than 150 publications, including monographs and comprehensive tools for zoological nomenclature. His close contacts with many famous naturalists of his time mainly from Europe and America, and his numerous trips abroad he used to enrich the collections in Darmstadt by exchange and purchase. This reached the Grand Duke's "Natural History Cabinet" soon international level. His varied life is in the pocketbook, "Johann Jakob Kaup. The great naturalist from Darmstadt, "the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst described. Among its specialties include popular science topics in paleontology and archeology as well as biographies of famous people. The paperback of Johann Jakob Kaup is the "Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt", the "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim and the "Natural History Museum in Mainz dedicated. These three museums have supported the author on numerous book projects.
order of the pocket book, or e-books on Johann Jakob Kaup in:
http://www.hausarbeiten.de/ faecher/vorschau/168058.html
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