Frankfurt am Main (news weblog) - "RSS World" does produced a significant German-language RSS Archive. In the pleasantly short, memorable web address are regularly out on the RSS feeds stored in the archive. This creates an impressive collection of news and information from a variety of topics. These form the basis for a comprehensive search offer for visitors of "RSS World".
According to the manager David Remer, the idea for such a RSS-Archive in 2004. There followed a long period of experimentation and developing, until finally in mid-2008 the project went officially online. In the next phase of the software and database have been tested under real conditions. The archive of "RSS World" is expanded daily by several thousand entries. Once these tests have been completed, "RSS World "are continually expanded with additional functions. In particular, the expansion of the search function will come first.
Feed publishers can with "RSS World" free and easily add their RSS feeds at the Internet address . They decide for themselves whether they want only in the list of "RSS World" appear, or whether their feeds to be archived. More on the operation of RSS World we learn in the "Help". About the latest innovations and the development of "RSS World" you can find information in the blog section "Intern". Many
User / inside know the free and useful service "RSS World" estimate too much. An "RSS feed", which it launched publicly bestowed, every other web site readers. And who would not want his text articles are read by many people as possible?
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