weblog about 'high ability in science and research"
Bedburg (weblog news) - Information on the Theme 'high ability in science and research ", the blog of the same name. Here is background information, current discussion topics and links for researchers and scientists - as well as for small researchers. The diversity of these
scientific community is constantly being expanded, deepened, added.
The range of messages on the site range from career portals on the portrayal of science and research in the media to point to scientific portals, libraries, and international research. This information is supplemented by links to clubs, associations and foundations such as Mensa International, gifted Foundation, Karg-Foundation.
the Helmholtz Association with funding provided for top scholars and top scientists are also subject to information from universities (eg University of protocols). Special value defines the editorial team and postdocs on fellowships and grants for young scientists and young researchers, students.
students see the Child Care Web Site giftedness and e-fellows.net a scholarship database and information on student projects for the gifted. Highly gifted students read, how to study the way at the University of Wuerzburg and the RWTH Aachen offers trial studies for interested students.
A favorite topic is the children-Unis. There is information about the origin and development of children's universities and university calendars and Studying online for kids, parents, professionals and children's university-founders.
A central concern of the editors of Lilli Cremer-old currency, the information on Alfred Nobel. Comprehensive and well critically, the background information on the Nobel Prize-founder. Philosophy, life, work and will be illuminated in left. And more than 100 Nobel laureates - to be presented - physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, economics, literature and peace.
people who thrive as much right to science, research and giftedness may at times also take a break to smile: the gummy bear research invites.
Lilli Cremer-old currency is an expert on gifted children, market and social researcher, coach, author and works as a radio presenter in higher education. Through her work as an economic affairs editor at the BMZ, as curator of the University of Witten / Herdecke and through her workshops, lectures and publications in Europe, Africa, USA and the Caribbean it was a larger public. Cremer-Altgeld is a member of the speaker's lexicon, coaches talented personalities and is the host of the forum 'giftedness - drama or success story'.
giftedness in science and research
http://cremeraltgeld.blogspot.com Further information:
Bärbel - http://kinderunis.blogspot undetected gifted
http://baerbelhochbegabt.blogspot.com Xmas for gifted
http://xmashochbegabte.blogspot.com Children's Universities in Europe
. com for gifted and extremely gifted
http://cremer-altgeld.blogspot.com whiz media