Wiesbaden (news weblog) - You want to make money with your website or advertisement to place in your blog? Then "Information Links" - http://www.infolinks.de - for you the right address. For "Information Links" represents - they claim - the next generation of so-called "in-text advertising". Furthermore, "Information links" leading player in this market, adjusts perfectly to the advertising messages online content. Also guaranteed "Information Links" optimal revenues from advertising revenue.
how it works: The integration of advertising messages easily and quickly without changing your website. The advertisement presents itself fϋr the user discreet and is completely tailored to the particular content. There is no need for additional space on your site fϋr advertising. Participation is absolutely free fϋr. Go to any obligations or Each click on the ads on your website can ring your cash register.
What is "in-text advertising"?
"in-text advertising is a method of online advertising, are included on the means of text links advertising messages into the content of your website. These text links are usually at the link-marking recognizable individual words. Does the online user's mouse over the highlighted word, opens a small window with an ad for content matching ad. If the user clicks on the window, he lands on the side of the advertiser and you deserve to by advertising revenue. If the mouse moves away from the link, the window is closed immediately.
How does "in-text advertising," you see, for example, in the weblog "Internet newspaper" under http://internet-zeitung.blogspot.com
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