says basically the Net neutrality, that all data on the Internet - regardless of its source or content - are transmitted equally. No one is preferred. All are equal.
Unfortunately, it is close to the Datenautobahn.Videos such as YouTube, streaming, telephony and other data-heavy and time-critical services to overload sometimes this road, so to think that now communication companies manner of giving specific dates for permission to overtake, may be treated so preferred.
What at first glance appear plausible poses, but risks: Only those who can afford it, is then given preferential treatment. The idea of the Internet a free exchange of data is literally on the line. The initiative Pro net neutrality goes so far that
a free Internet without government intervention or economic ... Guarantee of free exchange of views worldwide, and so the direct derivative of the right to freedom of expression (is). Net neutrality is fundamental to our democracy. More infoand the possibility of support can also be found on the pages of the initiative.
While supporting the policy that attitude, but considers it not necessary to accompany these positions and the law. The Research Service of the German Bundestag writes:
Despite recognition of the importance of net neutrality for the expression and freedom of information and the development of the Internet to keep economic policy experts, a legal establishment of network neutrality on the German and European market to be necessary. They assume that competition among network operators will provide for the continuation of the open Internet.I do not think this position is right, for the fairytale " the market will depend it has been often proved that the market has no interest in the above-mentioned values, but will simply deserve. A legal provision in this case has nothing to do with over-regulation, but would provide "only" for clear conditions in the field of information and expression. By the way, one could reject with the same arguments every statutory provision such as employment and consumer protection. Finally, even
likely to prioritize traffic to become a boomerang. " In the early days of Google as was Altavista's leading search engine. To Altavista had then a right of way purchased on the Internet, Google would probably never have been competitive, despite better search method " said Simon Schlauri who has qualified as on net neutrality. Innovations have no chance in the much vaunted competition.
a way out of the impasse can only be to the much-vaunted "information superhighway" to expand. Jörg sliding the solution describes a nutshell: We do not need VIP lounge for data, no fee fast lane for Deluxe Data. We need well-functioning data networks. The costs must be shared by all.